I'm tired of running through the forums here and reading about how horrible Far Cry 2 is. First off...YES...a few subtle changes would have made it one of the best first person shooters ever, and it SUCKS that it didn't live up to the potential. Let's get the negative out of the way first.
Every game can be nitpicked. The WORST parts of this game are A) Checkpoint/respawn system. It totally ruins the pace of the game, because if you want to wonder around the gorgeous enviroments just to explore...you can't. You will always be hounded by A-holes in jeeps, guys that shoot you that should be npc's unless you attack or they have a reason to attack you, and it's HEINISLY annoying fighting through the same checkpoint 2-3-4 times on one mission.
Also...why are these guys bullet proof? It sucks using an entire clip of a pistol to down guys, and sometimes that doesn't work. Assault rifles still take a long time to kill people too. Shotties and snipes are the best weapons as shotguns are even decent at medium range. Point is, don't make a game based on "realistic" guns if my bullets don't act like real bullets. It's fun injuring people, but even you guys that want to comment "Your aim must suck," should hold that comment, because WE ALL KNOW that the guys in this game take too much damage. My saw takes several bursts at close range to down people.
I'm going to skip the rest of the nitpicking (no animals in the river! Ahh! *cry It would be nice, but nobody cares, so screw it.)
With that said, if those issues were fixed (The jamming on enemy weapons is annoying too) we would have a revolutionary FPS game on our hands. I haven't finished the game yet, but while Crysis may look better technically, this game has a better wow factor for people that don't care about technical issues. The landscapes and details are absolutely stunning.
The weapons feel great, and realistic (Perhaps the best sound I've heard in a FPS so far as authenticity is concerned) save for the fact they don't kill anybody (see above, lol). Grenades and explosions are top notch. Physics are excellent.
Soo...basically my point is this. Better plot, more varied missions, tweaking AI (one other annoying thing is how you can't hide in bushes...enemies pelt you from afar with great accuracy. A mod for this issue and the checkpoints would be OH so nice) and the above issues fixed, and you have a formula that could change FPS's and what we expect out of them for a long time.
A 10/10? NO. But stop it with the 3/10 crap and be honest. This game should be rated at least a 7, and maybe up to an 8.5 (I'd give it a solid 8) with a summary of whether or not you should play it as follows: "This is a great game that unfortunately showed SO much promise but failed to live up to it. However, it's fun and worth playing for what it brings to the table and has some features that developers should start putting into consideration for future games."
Thanks for listening to my rant, and stop it with the 3/10 kind of crap, because you are doing a disservice to your fellow gamers by letting them think this game sucks. I think it's a must play with an idea coming into it that there are some issues you may not like, but it's worth getting through that to see what it does offer.
Your thoughts? Try to act like you are a little bit mature when you post as well. It's more likely to get attention and feedback than acting like you are seven (I know most of you guys are young pups) and posting "but teh sucks and you suck." Have fun!
well said. you forgot to mention the fact you cant pop tires. this would have been awesome, popping the tyres of all but one of the vehicles, then speeding off in it. it would have made SO much sense. this game had epic ambitions. but did not live up to them. but with ambitions that high, it was never possible, let alone likely.
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