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you ARE young, 10+ more years younger than I. if you can get out of PC gaming, I'd be happy for you; just don't dip into other gaming or "bad" things. for me, I'm not ready to get out of it just yet~"~
i never consider gaming juvenvile, i consider playign games much more interesting and better than watching tv or movies.
On topic, though, while i do still enjoy games, i don't really enjoy as much as i did 8-10 years, so it could be my age or it could be the games, i don't know.
I am 26 btw
i never consider gaming juvenvile, i consider playign games much more interesting and better than watching tv or movies.
On topic, though, while i do still enjoy games, i don't really enjoy as much as i did 8-10 years, so it could be my age or it could be the games, i don't know.
I am 26 btw
I feel the exact same way. I am 23 years old. But I have been feeling this way for for the past 5 years which had me gaming on and off. I played games from 6 yrs old to 13-14 years old. In high school, I never touched a single video game catridge or disc again. It wasnt until I was about 21 years old -- that's when I started video gaming again. My venture started again on the PC, predominantly World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, and a few RTS games. Nothing special. Then I quit again for 1-2 years and it wasnt until December 2007 that I purchased and Xbox 360. It got me all wild up about gaming again, then I picked up a PS3 -- loved it. And THEN, it wasnt until a few weeks ago that I decided to go back into PC gaming again. I have Spore and Crysis, as well as Diablo 3, World of Warcraft, and Starcraft 2 to blame for that. Oh, I cant forget "The Witcher." :P To be honest, I dont know when I'll quit gaming. I think it will just happen, over time or maybe, I'll never quit. At least, not for a while.
I thought I'd share that with you, pointless or not. To answer your great question -- I dont think gaming as a hobby is juvenile. Not even close. As a matter of fact, not at all. You have nothing to feel bad or to worry about. If your girlfriend or buddies think it's "kiddy" to play games, they're absolutely wrong. It's like going out on a Friday night to watch the movies, watch TV, or make vases as a pottery hobby. You see, it's a hobby. Nothing is wrong with having a hobby. You're human. We need a little, to a lot of fun in our lives. Some people make this "gaming hobby" into a job, or career. And hell, some become developers and they bring us these great games. So to say, gaming is juvenile would be like saying this industry is juvenile, in a personal gaming hobby or game industry business perspective. Some people feed their families with their careers in this industry. So my answer is an emphatic, "NO." I love gaming, always have, always will. To, gaming! :D
Well at your age (pretty much all of my 20's) all I was doing was working, drinking, fighting and other related activities.
For me now games are my relaxation, and keeps me out of the pub and home with my family.
Not sure, but if all you do is play games then yes I would find another thing to do and cut down on the game playing - it will always be there.
the way I look at it is it keeps me amused, I don't like bars or clubs so on thursday nights when my friends g oout and get hammered I sit around and game, to each their own right?
I'm also 25 and I just think of it as more of a hobby instead of a childs thing
you do relize that you are asking a bunch if people who lay games for fun if there hobby is kiddy, not many people I know would put themselves down like that...except biggest losernapp123
lay games for fun, eh? i like games and all, but i don't think i'll be going there.
I thought that. But games are becoming so geared toward mature gamers and advanced, I don't feel embarrassed or juvenile playing them anymore.
Besides, like all childhood hobbies, they stick with you. I still buy comic books and some action figures once in awhile.
I'm not as old as some of you so my opinion may not have as much weight. Over the 11 years (im 16) I have been pc gaming the interest has only died down a couple of times and when it did the reason was for something major in my life and I started up as soon as things were settled. As for feeling like I am getting to old for this, I actually feel games are getting to old.
I used to buy games by id or raven and know I was getting a great title that was all about fun and balls-to-the wall action. Now it's gotta be all serious with no room for that old fun style. Play any id title pre-quake and then play the quake 4 or doom 3 and tell me the difference you see. Totally different games from the ones that we saw 11 years ago and that maybe a good or bad thing but mostly it seems like they gotta be careful and not take any chances instead of how it was.
The question is, of course, directed at non-teenage PC gamers. I'm 25, which I know is by no means old, but I sometimes find myself thinking that my hobby is kind of juvenille, Especially considering the amount of time and money I'm putting into it. Anyone else feel the same?dos4gw82
Simply: No lol.
Why should we feeling that gaming is Juvenile? There is content that is beyond young people certainly and some of the stories are more sophisticated than that of many films and TV shows.
I would much prefer to play Mass Effect of a night than watch Big Brother thats for sure!!
The OP is at the age beneath which one should not be going near computers except to do homework... the age which up until one's constant thoughts should revolve around nothing but sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Really in an ideal world all computer gamers would be 30+. And old enough to remember playing their first PC games on IBM XTs and PCjr.s. And first computer games on things like the TRS-80 and Sinclair (typed in by hand).
One is never to old to enjoy what makes them happy. Whether that happens to be collecting chewing gum cards, collecting items of nostalgia, or playing video games, the really nice thing about hobbies is that they really aren't associated with someones age. Just because you hit a certain age, does not mean you automatically outgrow a past time that you enjoy. Take myself for example, I have played video games ever since the original Atari came out. I'm now going on 36 and still enjoying being a gamer. As I have grown and matured, so too has the level and type of game(s) I now choose to play. It's an ever evolving medium that allows itself to be played by both young and old alike. While my youngest son is enjoying Kung Fu Panda, my oldest is playing through Battlefield : Bad Company on his 360 at the moment. Myself, I'm going over Metal Gear Solid 4 and a few pc games. There is a great diversity of games to be enjoyed by an even greater diversity of age groups out there. Sure I don't play as much as I used to, since I now have a family to provide for, but it's a great way to spend some time with my sons as it's a hobby we share and all enjoy. And yes, it can be a bit expensive at times, but my education and employment allows me to support it thankfully.
Long story short, there's no age limit to gaming or any other hobby out there. The deciding factor for any hobby that you feel you may have outgrown or simply have become bored of, should be made by you. When you feel it's time to retire the gaming hat onto the top shelf, then do so of your own choice and replace that hat with something that again appeals to you.
im 19, and i all the time i get the feeling while playing games that im doing something stupid for kids, but i simply CANT stop playing games.. dunno why i have a desire to play games every sec, dunno maybe i play games to ran away from the real life, and i play games instead of using drugs...
i come to realize that everyone have a place to run away from real life, for example
drug addicts use drugs to get away from this world..
alcoholics use alcohol to get away..
some like to run away when they get to a pub or a dance club and dance and drink until they lose all sense of reality.
so i just use a thing that less harming, that helps me get away and relax. and it sure much better then TV
When I turn 80 I will be hosting LAN parties in the retirement home, playing games of Starcraft 7 and Halflife 4
When I turn 80 I will be hosting LAN parties in the retirement home, playing games of Starcraft 7 and Halflife 4
Amen to that brother!
I'm 23. I have a similar mindset as you do.
For me though, I only play games for entertainment purposes, NOT as a hobby. Same as watching tv, or movies or whatever. I'll take maybe an hour or two on a saturday and play a match (these days its @ DoW & SupComm). Or sometimes, i'll just watch a movie or watch a couple tv shows instead.
The only time in recent memory I played more than just for entertainment was when AoC was released, for the first 2 weeks I played like 8 hours a day probably... lol. Which is when I realized I could never play games as a hobby or pass time even and that it stops at just being a bit of entertainment. I came to this conclusion after playing AoC for the 2 weeks, I just couldn't bother to log in anymore cuz it just seemed so boring.
So yea... definitely played / enjoyed games a LOT more few years back. Maybe it was that the innovation has sorta stopped... there's only so much more they can add to an FPS that hasn't already been done, or an RTS, etc.
My friends blow hundreds of dollars every week at bars/clubs and out chasing chicks.
I'll buy a few games now and again and have quit nights at home with the wifey....and then get my game on at night. I think gaming keeps my spending down.
I think your wife is abusing your Xfire profile:lol:
Yeah sure, but I mostly feel it in regards to the stagnation of gaming.
If I picked up my first game tomorrow I would be easy to impress but unfortunately as I have been gaming since 1986 that has almost become impossible. I remember 10 years ago I started complaning about the lack of innovation in games, well, turns out I am still complaning about the same things a decade later. A quick example take the lack of car damage in Gran Turismo...
No. Provided it brings you enjoyment and does not compromise other important priorities in your life, you're never too old for this. Young or old, everybody needs entertainment, and there's no sense in not doing something you enjoy simply because a lot of younger people enjoy it too.
[QUOTE="Xavier_12"]My friends blow hundreds of dollars every week at bars/clubs and out chasing chicks.
I'll buy a few games now and again and have quit nights at home with the wifey....and then get my game on at night. I think gaming keeps my spending down.
I think your wife is abusing your Xfire profile:lol:
LoL...Last summer I had dialup...It was the only game I could play online :)
Currently 20 (nearly 21), and I must admit even though the thought has crossed my mind, I always tell myself that this is what I enjoy doing in my free time (rather than clubbing, drinking, doing drugs etc.).
So to answer your question "Yes, I have felt the 'Getting to old' feeling, but I usually shake myself out of it".
The question is, of course, directed at non-teenage PC gamers. I'm 25, which I know is by no means old, but I sometimes find myself thinking that my hobby is kind of juvenille, Especially considering the amount of time and money I'm putting into it. Anyone else feel the same?dos4gw82
I am 20 and my mum doesnt understand, but the way I look at it is,
Why watch TV? when i can do something interactive?
Mum is always saying how she doesnt know how i sit at my pc all night playing a game, but then my parents sit all night watching TV, whats the difference?
5 years ago the average age of a PC gamer was 29, so today does that make us 34? I don't feel old at all!
Besides, you can't expect old establishment fogey's to adopt or accept a relatively new medium of entertainment so soon. Just remember how long it took the intellectual/aesthetic elite to accept cinema as a valid form of entertainment.
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