Impressive different game that borrows all the good stuff of many PC greats. GOTY for me for many reasons.
Don't pass up on this deal, it won't get any cheaper.
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GotY for me too :D!Impressive different game that borrows all the good stuff of many PC greats. GOTY for me for many reasons.
Don't pass up on this deal, it won't get any cheaper.
I liked the game but I only put 2 hours into it for some reason. I need to go back to it. Was the translation mod ever released?
I believe it was Lil. D. Mack who prompted me to think about EyE in a previous "Favorite PC game?" thread (which I just noticed a brand new thread with "3 Favorite PC Games?" today. It's called thread search, people!) Anyhoo.... I've been waiting for a price drop on E.Y.E. and even though I got all my mods for FONV working on my new PC again which will give me tons of hours of game play (also, I'm completing Arkham Asylum on hard and going for more riddles) I'll still pick this up I think for that price.
Can I ask to those currently playing E.Y.E about this as a viable character build: I would like to either through hacking or mind-control make my opponents kill each other a good chunk of the time while I get in close and finish them off with a samurai sword. Is that a viable build in E.Y.E? By viable I mean even possible? Thank you.
I got to chapter 11 before my exam period hit and still haven't understood half of the character system, but holy ****, I haven't enjoyed a game like EYE for a long time. It has a very eerie 90ies RPG feeling. The only downside is the respawning enemies, which is kind of a big deal to be honest. And I wish the hacking system would be a bit more articulated.
Spittis, starting multiple posts on an indygame would prompt a lot of "There's already a post on this game" responses. And since "Search!" or "There's already a post on this" are complaints that are 10 times more common than necroing complaints, or revisiting an old post, I took my chances. Thx for still complaining though even though I was trying to be considerate to gamespot's servers. I'm sure they'd rather have me err on the side that extends less of their resources.
N3fo..., 1. you can adjust the amount of spawns menu on your pause screen/options/game. Then,adjust your spawn rate at the same place you can adjust difficulty level. 2. Hacking minigame -- Realize the AI tends not to attack you if their attack score is under 50. This is an intrinsic disadvantage as Attacks still do damage even if your attack score is at zero, so you can use this against them.
Watch your and your targets attack, defense and hitpoints moreso than the second by second action your target is taking. Spam mask, keep them under 50. It's not always easy as attack scores (and hit points) vary from target to target. Once you have them under 50 you can either increase your own attack by hitting overflow, or chip away at their defense by hitting scan, or start chipping away at their hit points by hitting attack. I usually go mask, mask, mask, mask, scan, mask, scan, mask, overflow, attack, mask, mask, attack. But, again, don't just repeat what I'm saying here, watch their and your attack, defense and hit points. That will determine your actions. Mask, however,is your friend. If you aren't using that more than the other actions you're not doing it right.
Tagyhag, I like singleplayer and havent' done a lot of multiplayer yet because there are some serious penalties for dying in this game. On a multiplayer server, your team's mulligans (or resurrectors) only get as much as a single player would and you have to share them. I prefer grinding out previosuly completed maps solo on easy even to boost my Nervous Control cyberware that affords me more ressurectors and boost my eye vision. Basically, I'm trying to make my character play the way I've seen him in my head since I was a kid before I jump back into the story or play a lot of multiplayer. Being that it's the same engine as L4D2 though, I can see where multiplayer is preferable. To call single player boring though is like saying Iced Tea is bad because Coca Cola is so great. They are both good.
That's the beauty of E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy. It's a true RPG in that it let's you build a character through a flexible system that you don't have to be Commander (change the first name) Shepherd.You can be the characters that exist in your head. I hack the occassional looter and recruit them to my team of clones while looking through walls as my dude is a mind-reading, katana/pistol guy. There's a million other options though. Read more here:
Spittis, starting multiple posts on an indygame would prompt a lot of "There's already a post on this game" responses. And since "Search!" or "There's already a post on this" are complaints that are 10 times more common than necroing complaints, or revisiting an old post, I took my chances. Thx for still complaining though even though I was trying to be considerate to gamespot's servers. I'm sure they'd rather have me err on the side that extends less of their resources.
Gamespots servers are fine. They're meant to handle more than one thread at a time. The mods would rather have you make a new post then drag out an old one i'm sure. Necroing a thread just pisses people off. We'd rather see a new thread. Nobody will complain about a new one if the old one is over a month old.
yours is the first necroing complaint i've ever seen at gamespot and the second mentioning of the term. the first time i saw the phrase used was by me in the same thread. seen lotsa complaints about repost. so i kept all the eye stuff in 1 thread. if you want to start a 2nd thread be my guest. ill be your first responder.
N3fo..., 1. you can adjust the amount of spawns menu on your pause screen/options/game. Then,adjust your spawn rate at the same place you can adjust difficulty level. 2. Hacking minigame -- Realize the AI tends not to attack you if their attack score is under 50. This is an intrinsic disadvantage as Attacks still do damage even if your attack score is at zero, so you can use this against them.
That doesn't stop the respawn, it only lowers its rate.
And the hacking attack - it's under 26 actually. That's the most precise value I managed to get it down to before it stopped attacking at least.
That's the beauty of E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy. It's a true RPG in that it let's you build a character through a flexible system that you don't have to be Commander (change the first name) Shepherd.You can be the characters that exist in your head. I hack the occassional looter and recruit them to my team of clones while looking through walls as my dude is a mind-reading, katana/pistol guy. There's a million other options though.
Glad to hear your enjoying E.Y.E. Every time I take a break and start it back up again it's like it's like it's brand new. 170+ hrs in, beat it 6x times, real ending 2x working on my 7th play through now. I heard streumon-studiois working on free dlc and an SDK (I will sink days into SDK :twisted: ).
Necroing a thread? The game is 10$ now whats another fiver? Get eeeet!
Spittis, starting multiple posts on an indygame would prompt a lot of "There's already a post on this game" responses. And since "Search!" or "There's already a post on this" are complaints that are 10 times more common than necroing complaints, or revisiting an old post, I took my chances. Thx for still complaining though even though I was trying to be considerate to gamespot's servers. I'm sure they'd rather have me err on the side that extends less of their resourcesFire_Wa11I really don't care about bumping old threads in general, but this one got a very misleading topic title, I do think it would have been better to start a new one. No offense ment.
Quick question since we're talking E.Y.E.
How do you unlock missions after the New Eden mission. Ive completed it a few times but I cant really play the same map over abd over any more.
N30..., hmmm. Well, sounds like you are pretty astute on hacking already. If you're still having trouble with it all I can say is that you can't win all the time. Also, I've heard that putting points into your Hacking skill increases the range moreso than bumping up your minigame stats. So, that can be not the best news.
I only hack ATMs and looters but, man, I revisited the New Eden map the other day. It was loaded with Looters that were getting sent at me and my clones in waves. I was constantly trying to hack one of 'em to my team and usually would get interrupted by them running up on me. The hacking minigame is frantic enough but between trying to hack one of them,looters running up on me, myclones trying to protect me as best they can, logging out of the minigame, returning fire...I completely forgot about the mission objectives. I was having too much fun failing at recruiting looters! But, there are plenty of other quests where hacking/recruiting enemies to your team is much easier. (Also, you don't have to recruit them when you succeed at hacking. You can kill/damage them or even possess them. Imagine possessing a sniper and wreaking havoc from above!)
Now, imagine this. (*Possible spoiler.) While you are hacking them, they hack you back. If they succeed you might take damage, or you might get a big freaky smiley face flashing on your screen. Now, you are trying to fight off a wave of AI while peaking around this smiley face as best you can. You don't see a crack in the floor and fall into a cavern. It's quiet. Too quiet. Then. Boom! Boom! Boom! The ground is shaking. The sound and the visuals REALLY makeit feel likeyour world is shaking, just likeblastingsomeone with your handgun REALLY feels like you took out part ofhis skull. All of a sudden its a giant robot blasting away at you with a minigun of a fist. Frickin' thing looksjust like thatOTHER robot from Johnny Sokko andHis Flying Robot. You know, the one that was just like Johnny Sokko's robot but it had horns instead of an Egyptian headress? That one. Trippy!
Or this doesn't happen to youbut some other crazy thing does. Routinely. This is the only one that I seem to be able to put into words. Seriously, this game is going to freak you the heck out.
Dizzy, there should be a red or yellow triangle above your quest giver's head in the HQ directing you where to go. If you don't see it than that just means you likely chose the Return to HQ option on your pause screen. (A good option, everyone, when things are getting too hairy btw. It is some times better to start a quest over or take a break from it and do something elsethan to die.) Simply restart your game. You needto get back to the dream world and then enter the HQ from there. Then, you should see the quest giver triangle and get back into the story. Though as I pointed out, I'm breaking from the story and grinding through ol' maps for the points/experience and all that. I hope I don't outlevel the storyline. I just want to be a total bad-ass while doing the main story as it seems like there are only going to be only12 maps or missions. (They are huge though and repeatable on your whim. And when you repeat them, the mission objectives might change from one time to the the next keeping everything fresh.)
Keep in mind that is much as I'm raving about this game. I've only, only, only played as a katana/handgun (with minor psych powers) guy which is as rudimentary as it gets. Everyone else seems to be raving about going heavy armor, minigun and sniper rifle. You could also play as an uberpsychic who possesses others, recruits them to your will, summons demons, makes people explode or lift rocket turrets with your mind and hurl them at your enemies while they are spraying rockets and bullets all over. And the poor, poor translations IMHO adds even more hilariousness. "Just wait. Give me some seconds."
Quick question since we're talking E.Y.E.
How do you unlock missions after the New Eden mission. Ive completed it a few times but I cant really play the same map over abd over any more.
After you complete the first mission and return to the temple for the first time it should say "Additional zones have been unlocked" on your screen.
You will have to beat the game to open up/unlock the rest of the zones. Or you could do co-op missions. More objectives and depending on the difficulty more Brouzouf!
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