best FPS evar, so big it makes battlefield cry, and it looks georgious. f2p on steam.
Ghost recon online:
ubisoft's f2p game, many people don't think it's fun, but i play it, a lot, it loooks AMAZING, it actually has the best animations i've seen in a f2p game. 3 classes, all very balanced, only problem- u can't switch class midgame.
Mechwarrior online:
a Mech combat simulator. the best Mech combat out there. totaly awesome, with fully costumizeable, building sized mechs. but it requieres a good rig.
if mechwarrior is a mech sim, then this is like a mech CoD. super fast paced with mechs flying all over the place
World of tanks/warplanes:
2 games that focus on tank vs tank/plane vs plane combat, both extremely good
Tribes Ascend:
Sci-fi hardcore shooter, that demands super skills to be good at, with jet-packs and sh!t....
these are the best i've played so far :P
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