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Oblivion Pros: Incredible outdoor environments. AI characters interact with each other as well as with the player (hunters hunt animals, people hold conversations with each other). You can make your own spells and enchanted items once you become powerful enough. You could spend the whole game doing sidequests and never even touch the main storyline. Play as good or evil as you want. Complicated attribute and skill system affects all aspects of gameplay, from conversations to combat to movement throughout the game world to bartering. Tremendous mod community.
Oblivion Cons: Scaled monster difficulty (difficulty of random encounters is determined entirely by your level, not where you are in the game or how good your combat skills are). Generic voices get repeated A LOT throughout all the characters. Hefty system requirements. The more complex and open ended a game, the buggier it generally is. Character models are ugly. Extremely open ended games can have a washed out, generic feel to them sometimes.
Fable Pros: Easy to jump into. Play as good or evil. Unique art style. Far less demanding system requirements.
Fable Cons: Failed to live up to the lofty goals indicated by the developer. Relatively simple combat and skill system. Feels too linear for an "open ended" game. While the game world is heavily populated, you can't actually talk to most of the inhabitants. Overall the game is very deep, but most of that depth is fairly transparent to the player.
 your kidding right? i have both oblivion and fable and i enjoyed oblivion much much more! dont get me wrong fable is an exellent game but oblivion is far better. dont let low end machine put you off bbuying oblivion its amazing.sloppy_sexwhat are u playing oblivion on. are you playing on a low end rig?
i have intel core 2 duo 1.86ghz, 2 gig ddr2, and geforce 7300LE will i be over to get over 30 FPS when i do alot of tweaking?dragonmaster64That 7300LE is crippling your machine - Oblivion is going to have a tough time running well on that rig, even after some serious overclocking on that E6300.
i cant upgrade but how much FPS do u think i should be getting on acceptable resulution.dragonmaster64I really have no idea - I don't think I've ever seen Oblivion benchmarked on an LE card. At 8x6 you should be able to get the game playable, I would imagine.
can anyone post oblivion on 800x600 pictures?dragonmaster64I just used Google to find some 800x600 screenies. Maybe that can give you an idea, but look at the specs. included with the screenshots so you get a good idea of what hardware was used.
i cant upgrade but how much FPS do u think i should be getting on acceptable resulution.dragonmaster64well I play on low med setting at 640 * 480 with like 12-20 fps and I think it's playable (I'm a pretty easy person to please). Someone listed some cons and while most of them can't be fixed there's a mod called obscuro's oblivion overhaul which is amazing and makes the game much better.
[QUOTE="luamhtrad"]I have both and Oblivion is head and shoulders above Fable in every department. It's the best game I have ever played. I can't wait for the expansion to come out in a month.RayvinAznKnights of the Nine? Or is there a new one out already?
[QUOTE="sloppy_sex"]Â your kidding right? i have both oblivion and fable and i enjoyed oblivion much much more! dont get me wrong fable is an exellent game but oblivion is far better. dont let low end machine put you off bbuying oblivion its amazing.dragonmaster64what are u playing oblivion on. are you playing on a low end rig? ni i had it 4 the 360, but sold it, now i want it back for the PC so if i get it i will have a medium rig to play it on
I have pretty much the same system as yours, just with the 7500LE model and it works fine. Sometimes when walking through the woods it gets chuggy, but just lower the resolution a little. I forget the resolution mine is set much FPS do u get?
[QUOTE="dragonmaster64"]i cant upgrade but how much FPS do u think i should be getting on acceptable resulution.achilles614well I play on low med setting at 640 * 480 with like 12-20 fps and I think it's playable (I'm a pretty easy person to please). Someone listed some cons and while most of them can't be fixed there's a mod called obscuro's oblivion overhaul which is amazing and makes the game much better. what rig do u play the game on and how much FPS do u get?
 your kidding right? i have both oblivion and fable and i enjoyed oblivion much much more! dont get me wrong fable is an exellent game but oblivion is far better. dont let low end machine put you off bbuying oblivion its amazing.sloppy_sexYeah. Because I have a low-end machine, and I was just wondering if Oblivion would be worth playing.
im wondering running it on 800x600 what will the graphics look outside? thanksdragonmaster64please post outsie pics with FPS on 800x600 if you can please
I'll post some comparison pics in a minute. Just reformatted and haven't gotten outta the sewers yet.Platearmor_6wow thank you so much can you also tell me your rig and how much FPS you are getting. thanks
This is what my old computer used to run it get 35-40 FPS with your first setup did you use oldblivion or did you do some tweaking and modding. thanks for the help so far
That was a 2.6GHz AMD processor with only a nVidia 5900 and 1GB of RAM with an FPS of around 35-40
This is on my new computer:
But thats an XFX 8800GTX XT, nVidia 680i motherboard, E6600 processor and 2 GBs of RAM with an FPS of between 90 and 100.
I don't know about those cards(infact I've never heard of them but I'm guess you'll definately be able to get it looking better than the first picture.
After seeing what it looked on the 5900 - I'm definately getting Oblivion :)Cyborg-21
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