I'm gonna get one of them today but i am VERY stuck. which one is more fun
also, with both games, is there autosaving, so i can play for a bit and then just stop
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Its a really tough call.cant choose between these 2 as i enjoyed them both very much.Both games supports autosave and manual quick save.If u absolutely have to get one then get Fallout Goty it has huge content by itself also tons of great mod are available.Later definitely get DA.
I'd go for DA:O. I thought FO3 was utter garbage (the story and writing are incredibly bad -- the combat, like all Bethesda games, is really awful too). I also found the game to be really juvenile and an insult to Fallout, its fans and its lore. DA:O may not be that great but it is a pretty good RPG and that alone makes it seem like an instant classic when compared to dreck like FO3.
which one is more fun?RockPwner
Fallout 3, even if you are not an rpg fan, despite playin the main story or screwing around for hundrends of hours!!
so i can play for a bit and then just stopRockPwner
That could be a propblem with fallout 3, its impossible to play it for less than 5 hours... anyway fallout 3 does the saving better, it saves more often and faster, you can save too very fast and easilly at any time!!
[QUOTE="kozzy1234"]Not in graphics and level design/exploration!!!Dragon Age >>> falluot3 in every way imo
I was editing my post...
Fallout3 has better graphics and more gore, thats it imo (also has more exploration)
Dragon Age has better level design, better story,better combat, better sound, better music, better characters, better enemies, better dialogue, more intense boss battles and more fun to me.
Fallout3 is more free roam, while Dragon Age is more linear, neither is better in that regard.. they are just differnt styles for that part.
Not in graphics and level design/exploration!!![QUOTE="dakan45"][QUOTE="kozzy1234"]
Dragon Age >>> falluot3 in every way imo
I was editing my post...
Fallout3 has better graphics and more gore, thats it imo (also has more exploration)
Dragon Age has better level design, better story,better combat, better sound, better music, better characters, better enemies, better dialogue, more intense boss battles and more fun to me.
Fallout3 is more free roam, while Dragon Age is more linear, neither is better in that regard.. they are just differnt styles for that part.
Agreed but i still think the wasteland and the building ruins have better design than the buildings in dragon age. Bioware is pretty bad when it comes to architecture as they have proved from mass effect and kotor!!!in this case, Fallout 3 GOTY. DAO may be a deeper rpg experience, but with a generic setting and a lackluster class system it really isn't much better than the vanilla Fallout 3, which is fun despite of its flaws. but if we're talking about the GOTY edition, there's absolutely no contest. Content wise, F3 GOTY easily dwarves DAO with 4 DLCs, not to mention tons of free user made mods. i will be the first in this thread to remind you that, 2 months after the toolset's release, DAO's community has yet to produce ANY notable modules, a clear sign showing that its modding potential is overrated from the start.
Agreed but i still think the wasteland and the building ruins have better design than the buildings in dragon age. Bioware is pretty bad when it comes to architecture as they have proved from mass effect and kotor!!!dakan45
Yeah, I'm sure any moron could have designed the Brecilian Ruins and Orzammar, while it takes a lot of effort to copy paste your house and a bunch of ship rooms all over the gam-Oh, wait...
Get both! I don't mind if FO3 is WAY worse than the previous installments RPG-wise; call it "Not Fallout 3", if you like; but play it. Face it like an action game with RPG elements, an FPS, whatever:fact is: the game is FUN LIKE HELL!
And so is DAO. They have nothing to do with each other, and they both excel in their trades.
Get both, one can't live without both! ;)
Oh, BTW: I just installed Windows 7, and they will be the only ones in my HDD for the time being: and I'll have a blast on my vacation.
[QUOTE="dakan45"] Agreed but i still think the wasteland and the building ruins have better design than the buildings in dragon age. Bioware is pretty bad when it comes to architecture as they have proved from mass effect and kotor!!!Mograine
Yeah, I'm sure any moron could have designed the Brecilian Ruins and Orzammar, while it takes a lot of effort to copy paste your house and a bunch of ship rooms all over the gam-Oh, wait...
Oh wait, fallout 3 is not a copy paste like oblivion and it most definetly does not have ships!!![QUOTE="kozzy1234"][QUOTE="dakan45"] Not in graphics and level design/exploration!!!dakan45
I was editing my post...
Fallout3 has better graphics and more gore, thats it imo (also has more exploration)
Dragon Age has better level design, better story,better combat, better sound, better music, better characters, better enemies, better dialogue, more intense boss battles and more fun to me.
Fallout3 is more free roam, while Dragon Age is more linear, neither is better in that regard.. they are just differnt styles for that part.
Agreed but i still think the wasteland and the building ruins have better design than the buildings in dragon age. Bioware is pretty bad when it comes to architecture as they have proved from mass effect and kotor!!!And bethesda fails at epicness/providing good combat/storyline.
[QUOTE="Mograine"][QUOTE="dakan45"] Agreed but i still think the wasteland and the building ruins have better design than the buildings in dragon age. Bioware is pretty bad when it comes to architecture as they have proved from mass effect and kotor!!!dakan45
Yeah, I'm sure any moron could have designed the Brecilian Ruins and Orzammar, while it takes a lot of effort to copy paste your house and a bunch of ship rooms all over the gam-Oh, wait...
Oh wait, fallout 3 is not a copy paste like oblivion and it most definetly does not have ships!!!I would go with DAO. But in saying that, if I had not spent an ungodly amount of time with Oblivion in both Xbox and PC form, I might have gone with FO3. I could not get by, in my interetation, that I was playing Oblivion with lasers. It just had the same feel. Toons handled the same, as did the weapons, animations were the same, dialog branches. Ect.
It's still on my PC and I fart around on it every now and then, but I have completed 3 origins with DAO and am satisfied to put it down for a while and wait for more content.
Again I am very biased towards FO3. If you havn't spent alot of time with Oblivion, I think you'll get alot more out of it than I did.
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