I have a couple of things to say so... Hear me out.
1. You can't compare Fallout 3 and Tactics together. Fallout Tactics wasn't the next Fallout, never was, never will be. But when someone puts "Fallout 3" then it has to be as close as the first 2 as possible, while updating it a little bit.
2. I'm not sure if I would like Fallout 3. I had two things I liked about the first two. First of all, I loved the sarcastic humor that you could hear, the witty remarks, even the choices of lines I could say were great. Second of all, I also liked that because it's in the Fallout setting, you could see and do anything. Go to New Reno and there's whores, drugs, gambling and more. You can shoot others in the groin, kill children if you wanted to, you could be a retarded person who didn't know how to put a sentence together, ETC.
Something that I hated about Morrowind and Oblivion were that you were almost forced to be in a 1st person mode, 3rd person was nearly unplayable and I want to see my character. Another thing I hated was that the quests were for the most part, boring to do.
I really want to know if I would be able to enjoy Fallout 3, please go into detail with my hates and loves to let me see.
i'm 4 hours into the game, so i'll share with you my 1st impression.
first of all, this is quite a polished game. Bethesda clearly has put alot of effort into the production. the best thing i like about it so far is the rendering of the gameworld. for the first time in the entire series, the blasted post apocalyptic Wasteland is finally materialized to its full glory, creating an enormous visual impact rarely felt in other Fallout games, and definitely not in other IPs.
but sadly, i don't think there's much beyond that to wow a Fallout veteran like you and me. i think Bethesda has once again failed in the writing department. it's definitely better than Elder Scroll games, but not nearly as witty and memorable as Fallout and Fallout 2 were. NPCs are just your run of mill type quest givers, some well voiced and others passable. the dialogue serves its purpose, but is surprisingly conservative and doesn't leave any strong impression.
i find this surprising, becoz Fallout 3 doesn't seem to refrain itself from controversial presentation when it comes to combat. this is one of the goriest rpgs available to date, and you'd see heads and limbs flying to a mind-numbing extent. beneath the gore, it's a solid combat system that gives alot of instant gratification, but it's nothing terribly deep and rewarding. the game is quite easy -- AP for the VATS system replenish rapidly, and you can kill most enemies by running up to them and shooting their heads off using the VATS. on normal mode, i never felt like i have struggle for survival like i did in the old Fallout games, and it's overall quite an forgiving -- and perhaps un-rewarding -- experience.
Fallout 3 has also inherited some classic Elder Scroll problems that really turned me away. the economy in the game, or at least in Megaton, is entirely broken. you won't want to switch to 3rd person mode in Fallout 3, becoz Bethesda has yet to figure out how to fix their awkward character animations. the actual real time combat ( ie. without using VATS ) is very weak, especially the shooting.
but that's not to say it's a bad game. if i were to give it a score, it would get 8-8.5 from me. while not quite the successor to the classic series we've hoped for, Fallout 3 is a big game that deserves every rpg fan's attention. my advice -- if you have a xbox360, rent the game just to be safe. :)
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