Far cry 2. It seemed more mature, less poor 80's action flick.
FC2 is not without flaws, I ended up plotting routes to go around guardposts early on, worked great, and ended up useng the busses quite often.
There are some fatal flaws in the game, namely the side missions that is the same thing over and over... little exitement there...
The main story of Far Cry 2 is more muddy, and apart from 1 point in the game which is out right cheesy, I really began to get sucked in. I prefer the gun combat in FC2 over FC1, I liked the weapons better, and apart form my guns magicly doing a lot more damage in aimed mode, diddnt bother me that much.
(seriously aim and most weapons drop after 3-5 shots, fire from the hip and expect to use the whole mag)
Im not sure why, but FC1 impressed me with the engine, and the gfx, but felt shallow and pointless. FC2 did not impress me with the engine, but did impress me with the fluid gameplay, and the guts to let you play an evil character.
All in all it just felt more like FC2 had a story to tell, they did not choose the best way to tell it, but it did make an impression on me.
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