I'll support the underdog opinion on this one. First of all, i'm going to say the game is not better then crysis, the pacing is just to wonky in Far Cry 2 to compete with a game with such a tight presentation and gameplay.
I do think, in my strange opinion, that the game was better than GTAIV, for me at any rate. While Far Cry 2 did have a couple of rather unforgivable flaws, i found the same was true for GTAIV to a greater extent. I'm only going to touch on the flaws of far cry 2, because they are so well known; really fast spawn times of enemies at the multiple checkpoints. at first this drove me crazy, but eventually i started finding and developing tactics of only having to spend 10-15 seconds dealing with these checkpoints. also, if you use the bus system effectively, you should only have to go through 1-2 checkpoints per drive, which is not all that bad.
The missions i did not find all that repetative, but i can see how they could be construed as such. The game relys very, very heavily on player creativity, and if you, as the player, came into the game expecting to find a tightly coiled and scripted experience within the missions, you will be sorely dissapointed. I had been following the games development for a long time, and suspected it would rely on the player to make fun for himself via the various weapons and effects thrown into the game (fire + wind = fun).
As someone already said, the multiplayer can be very fun, but has that silly matchmaking system and numerous cheap weapons. Now, there are a fair number of servers that ban these weapons, and have a host who can start the game as fast as he wants, but these servers can be hard to come by. If you do find one, the multiplayer is really, really good, and some of the custom maps are excellent, but it is not in any way a drop-in-for-one-round multiplayer experience.
No back to GTAIV. by all rights, GTAIV should be far, far better than Far Cry 2, more time and effort was clearly put into its development. But i found myself not having any fun at all with the game as it sticks stubbornly to some aspects of realim and also to some outdated gameplay elements left over from previous GTA games. Why is there no checkpoint/qucksave system within the missions? why does the game still use the old health pack/armor system, when all the shooting/cover aspects are caught up with current shooter titles? why do you not have the option to reload a save game at the beggining of a mission instead of haivng to start with less ammo and armor via a cellphone message at a hospital? all the fun and exciting aspects of GTAIV are cancelled by other stupid and outdated ones, which for me makes GTAIV a worse game than Far Cry 2.
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