Far Cry 2 and 3 has nothing to do with Far Cry 1. I think Crytek owns that character, rather than Ubi.
Actually, they don't, Ubisoft just didn't find Carver to be a very interesting character and they even asked if people liked him or if he was memorable (most people did not like him).
Carver really isn't that great of a character, I like his background and the fact that it makes him capable of doing what he does, but his personality is incredibly cheesy and I blame his refusal to remove that stupid shirt for why all the AI could aimbot him from 10 miles away while he sits inside a concrete building.
Having a terrible voice actor didn't help either.As soon as he opened his mouth I remembered why protagonists are often silent.
Jason Brody in FC3 is also far too talkative, but unlike Carver his voice actor and lines aren't ear gratingly cheesy.
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