I finished it.
Man, that was dissapointing.
It gradually gets worse towards the end. There's one awful turret section where you're killing 100 dudes, horrible rock music plays (ROCK in FEAR!) and a guy constantly shouts all kinds of bad F-bomb variations.
The story is absolutely craptastic. The dialogue is horrible; it's not bad in the Crysis or Gears it's-so-bad-that-it's-awesome way, it's bad it that way that makes your ears bleed. The characters are amongst the most stupid characters in the history of videogames. The ending is a total lolocaust...
But the graphics are pretty (although some shadows from your flashlight would've been great...), the sound design is mostly spectacular, and the combat is quite exciting - but nowhere near the original.
Frankly, the best thing about the game is Alma. I think she's cute, and I like her voice. But then the lips are enormous:|
5/10, buy TimeShift instead.
lol, so bad its awesome: like its so bad it becomes funny :P But yeah, I hope you didn't pay too much for the game. Did you like the story in the original FEAR? I was reading on wiki that Gamespy gave it Best Story that year - good grief. Yet the New York Times said they couldn't get into it or understand the motivations.
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