[QUOTE="hartsickdiscipl"][QUOTE="TheDuffman26"]The 8800 ultra debuted at $800 while the gtx and gts debuted at $600 and $400 respectively. Nvidia has launched cards at ~$600 ever since the 7 series and has been successful every generation since. Fermi will be no different.TheDuffman26
Like I said, it wasn't worth it then, and it won't be worth it now FOR ME.
* fixedMy statement was clearly an opinion. Most of what people post on here are opinions.. It's not necessary for you to jump in and assume to "correct" my post. I was a die-hard Nvidia customer from 2003-2009, until it was time for me to upgrade late last year, and they didn't have anything close to competitive in my view. The only thing they sell currently that has the performance of the 5870 is the GTX295, which was too expensive, too hot, and too power-hungry for me. Not to mention that I already had a DX10 card (8800gts 512), and I knew DX11 was just around the corner.
Nvidia is a little late to the game this round, and their higher prices are going to hurt them far more now, given the state of the economy. There aren't any games on the market that demand a more powerful product than ATI is currently offering, so there is very little reason for people to buy Nvidia this time around.
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