You know, for a person claiming that Guild Wars is not the best thing since slice bread, you certainly argue like a GW fanboy.
"you just said you hated the PvE, and when they give a way to gain PvP skills WITHOUT PvE you complain? lol... :boggle"
Yes, I'll complain when the attempt to gain all of the skills through a PvP character requires you to create, delete and create a character over and over again. That is tedious and horrible game design.
"Tell me, what makes more sense...
a) The game is really "horribly boring and repetitive" and all the millions of people that play it, and the countless reviewers who praise it are just morons who are easily amused. The nay-sayers actually understand the game better then the people who like it.
b) The game is great, and the result of it being a solid game is million of people purchase it, and reviewers praise it. However, not everyone will like the game or its mechanics, or will prefer other games."
I love when people such as yourself use ultimatums. Signs of a person with the inability to take criticism when their precious game is attacked. By the way, millions of people bough 50 Cent Bulletproof. Something to think about...
Anyways, I already made it clear that "horribly boring and repetitive" is my view, thus nullifying this ridiculous attempt at winning an argument. I wouldn't be too surprised if a large portion of the GW community agrees with me and just plays the game because their friends play and/or to compete in PvP.
"Lets see, millions of people have bought the game, countless reviews have praised the campaign as fun and large, and at any given time there are THOUSANDS of players playing the campaign ;)
Thats a hell of a thing if the campaing was actually "teh suxxors!!!1111!!!one""
Read the statement above. By the way, you have yet to prove that the Guild Wars community is a single being capable of only agreeing with the campaign being the main attraction of the game.
"And that proves what? BTW, ALL exapnsions have rated 8.0+, which by gamespots rating sysem is "GREAT". You kill your own argument."
So you are going to pretend that each expansion didn't receive lower scores with each release when compared to Prophecy? Alright there, buddy. The OG GW got high scores, yes, but as years and expansions passed, the formula is not what it used to be, which is my counterpoint to you bringing up reviewers.
"Things are not as subjective as you want everyone to believe. You can say you don't like BMW's, which is fine, but when you cross over and make the claim they are poorly engineered cars thats where your opinion looses validity. Same applies here, you are free to dislike guild wars or find it boring, but when you make the claim the game is actually horrible you cross that line.
I wish they would stop telling people in pre-school that everyone's opinion is equal...it's simply not true."
Opinions on video games and cars are not even comparable. Video games is entertainment. Their value varies from person to person because everybody has a different idea on entertainment value. Cars rate their value based on actual, tangible parts and performance. You can't even compare entertainment value with the worth of a car because you can always come to a conclusion on a car's worth based on it's parts and performance. Gameplay value is govern entirely by opinion, hense the reason why people hate numerous "popular" games. There is no universal opinion when it comes to any game, live with that.
Funny how you attempt to lecture me yet you can't tell the difference between entertainment value and tangible value.:|
I would take the opinion about good food from a world ****food critic over the word of some slob who eats grilled cheese 3 times a day...wouldn't you?
What the hell does that even mean?
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