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Why waste time with these MMos? For the record I tryed Guild Wars and it utterly failed for enjoyment.
World of Warcraft is the mmo to have currently.
Good Lord!
Is it too much too ask that if you are going to post on a thread to at least read the OP's first post?!?!? I mean you don't have to read every post but at least read the 1st original post. Anyways, he already said WoW is GARBAGE. And obviously he actually likes Guild Wars, since he owns two chapters and wants to pick up the remaining two. :roll:
[QUOTE="OoSuperMarioO"]Why waste time with these MMos? For the record I tryed Guild Wars and it utterly failed for enjoyment.
World of Warcraft is the mmo to have currently.
Good Lord!
Is it too much too ask that if you are going to post on a thread to at least read the OP's first post?!?!? I mean you don't have to read every post but at least read the 1st original post. Anyways, he already said WoW is GARBAGE. And obviously he actually likes Guild Wars, since he owns two chapters and wants to pick up the remaining two. :roll:
You can always just scroll past my post. Second the post was rather opinion. Third if you read my post it clearly states why waste time with those mmos including Guild Wars for the record which lead to rather a defense for my preferences. Fifth you should have scroll past the post. Sixth which is the same as the fifth yet your still reading. :idea:[QUOTE="GPAddict"][QUOTE="OoSuperMarioO"]Why waste time with these MMos? For the record I tryed Guild Wars and it utterly failed for enjoyment.
World of Warcraft is the mmo to have currently.
Good Lord!
Is it too much too ask that if you are going to post on a thread to at least read the OP's first post?!?!? I mean you don't have to read every post but at least read the 1st original post. Anyways, he already said WoW is GARBAGE. And obviously he actually likes Guild Wars, since he owns two chapters and wants to pick up the remaining two. :roll:
You can always just scroll past my post. Second the post was rather opinion. Third if you read my post it clearly states why waste time with those mmos including Guild Wars for the record which lead to rather a defense for my preferences. Fifth you should have scroll past the post. Sixth which is the same as the fifth yet your still reading. :idea:Reading is FUN!
But anyways, guess I was just venting a little.
And in regards to WoW and Guild Wars and whatever game/thing, its like the old saying goes "One Man's GARBAGE is another Man's Treasure" :)
[QUOTE="dnuggs40"][QUOTE="Redmoonxl2"][Funny how you keep telling me to stay on track yet you try to narrow the sales argument to one platform. Again, follow along kiddo, I'm talking about games in general, otherwise I wouldn't bring up "Uncharted" as it's clearly a PS3 title. Redmoonxl2
LOL...what platform are we discussing? What platform is the game in question on? Isn't that a given? Good lord...
No, it's not a given, kiddo, because gaming sales reaches far beyond one platform. Besides, you certainly didn't have an issue with me bringing console games to the sales argument in the first place and now you have an issue? Pathetic.
#1 - You dont need every expansion, as you can buy unlocks, and even without them you can still fairly well in PvP. Maybe not top teir, but well enough.
#2 - As already proven, you don't need to do the PvE to unlock skills. So ANOTHER fallacy.
#3 - Idiotic and untrue baloney about the items. So non-existent huh? So I guess lvl 1 items are as good as lvl 20? Really? I mean, thats what you suggest by saying "non-existent" right?dnuggs40
Hmm, just to reference back to my original statement...which is...
"It's a deep PvP system wrapped around with frustrating brick walls in every step. Not only do you need to buy every expansion to even be close to competitive but you need to partake of the campaign, which is horribly boring and repetitive. It's also a shame that outside of skills, character customization is nonexistant. Why bother even putting in items? Seems that augmentations are more than enough."
1) You need every expansion for required builds to work. You cannot use BoA Sin as an assassin without Nightfall, fyi.
2) I didn't say you needed to do PvE to unlock skills, I said "Not only do you need to buy every expansion to even be close to competitive but you need to partake of the campaign, which is horribly boring and repetitive." Selective reading for the win? To get the most out of a character, you need to PvE, however, since more customization options are open to you as a result. That is fact.
3) Items are only as good as their augmentations, as I implied in the original post. You're slipping, kiddo!
Life is NOT random and subjective. I believe the phrase goes:
"Things happen for a reason"
"Things happen for no reason"
You live like a sad fool, your life will suck. You don't apply yourself in school and are lazy, you wont get a good job. You treat people like crap, chances are people wont be your friend.
Cause and effect baby, the world is dictated by it, not completely random and unrelated incidents.
Now, there is no garuntee life will be grand if you apply yourself, you can get hit by a bus next week, but to take the exceptions and claim them as the rule and pretend everything is just one big random mess is pure retardation.
It's funny that you state life is not random yet you take into account the hypothetical "Bus accident" and admit nothing is a guarantee. Contradiction, much?
School doesn't always bring success. You can treat people like crap and there will be those who follow you. If you think life sucks, you can still live a comfortable life. Lazy people can work high paying jobs while doing absolutely nothing. You can be born with a genetic defect that may only affect 1 out of millions of kids a year. Hell, you can be born to poverty and starve days later. Life is random. You oversimplify things and that's a shame because life is never quite as simple. When you get older, you'll understand. :)
Anyways, I'm tired of arguing with you. feel free to claim "victory" if you want since it's obvious you'll just drag this on for as long as you want to. I think GW is a good PvP game with a bad PvE portion that kills the game for me. If you want to complain about my thoughts on the game, kiddo, I suggest you scream into a pillow and punch a wall because it's obvious you have some growing up to do.
You can call me kiddo all day, the simple FACT is you made statements that were factually FALSE and then hide behind "it's my opinion waaaah!".
It's not your opinion, becuase it you FACTUALLY inaccurate.
And no, it's not a contradiction because while **** can happen, life is not one big random mess. Your actions have DIRECT effects on the outcomes of your life. It's not all random, in fact your action have a much greater impact on your life then all the random crap that could ever happen to you. And me cry into a pillow? You are the one who actually thinks you have no control over your life and it's just a random mess. Thats got to be pretty scary huh child?
Anyways I am done too, if you want to believe you live in a world where the outcome of your effort is entirely dictated on a random basis, have at it. You must be one of those poor people who think your destitution is due to your "bad luck".
Have a nice day kiddo.
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