I bought fifa 09 and installed it, then i plugged in the serial and it didnt work. so i contacted EA and they told me that i had an ilegal version. so i got sick and tired of trying to convince them that it was legit so i jst downloaded the Fifa 09 Crack. so aparently it works fine for everyone else. they jst coppy this exe file and paste it into the main fifa 09 dir. now when i do that i overwrite the old exe. then i open it, the screen blinks for a bit, and then an error comes up saying. ''Fifa09 has encountered an error, winwows is searching for a solution'' so it dosnt work at all.
so wat am i suposed to do? i bought the game for a hell lota money and the serial code dosnt work. EA isnt helping me, so that leavs me to do somthing that i normally wouldnt do. download a crack. which also dosnt work.
any1 have any sudgestions for me?:(
btw im using vista ultimate with all the specs fifa needs
thaanks in advance
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