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So kids get angry and basically walk off when they don't get what they want?!?!?! These people are so smart... i could never figure that out... Oh wait they said when kids do that it is a sign of being addicted to video games...........
Really? More times when i got angry or stormed off as a kid it was because i had to do something i didn't want to do. I was able to go or do something (like me being in the seat the "driver" sat in for the moonlanding rover for a picture we took). Not because i couldn't play video games. Most times when i couldn't play video games i would go play with Legos, or Army Men, or go watch TV. Of course i would be frustrated but that was because i couldn't do what i wanted to do... Its not because of addiction.
Ok now i can understand that non social arguement, but games have become more social as time has gone on. I remember never talking about video games to people because it was not the cool thing to do, but i hear ton of people that i would never have thought to be video game players actually talk about games. Now they are like Halos or Guitar Heros, but video games non the less.
Now things like not doing homework because you play video games.... Well my guess is if your on crack.... your probably not going to be doing your homework at that time unless it is the coolest looking piece of paper in the world. I do understand that you can be addicted to crack, but then they need to say if your addicted to something it decreased you chances of doing homework and not if you play video games.... you dont do homework.
Overall i am just tired of hearing things like "Kids kills someone because he plays VIOLENT video game". You can't just say video game? What about that VIOLENT movie he watched about 2 hours ago? What about the VIOLENT sport he just had practice for 3 hours ago? Why does it have to be VIOLENT when video games is stated in the sentence.
I mean there was a news report earlier that actually stated something LIKE "Kid kills parents because of violent video games"... Well guess what... He ended up killing his mother because his parents WOULDN"T let him play the video game... He never played the game... His parents found him trying to sneak it into his house and when they took it away from him he shot his mother.... He never played the game so that couldn't be a cause now could it? It would have to be something say like...... his real life experience or something....
You know what i am addicted to video games and won't deny it, but i have a part time job at a McDonalds, I am a senor in highschool and am a B student. I also was a starting varsity soccer player for my school. I have already decided what to go for in college and while that doesn't mean it will work out it does mean i won't be going into 2 years of college before i have any clue of what to do. And you want to know what... i am an extremely shy person. But that isn't because if video games, but because my family. My family never really had friends over at our house.... We never really went to parties.... and wel also lived deep in a wooded area so we were well secluded. I wonder if that could be part of the reason i am shy or have a lack of social skills (i don't really its just i don't like to start conversations.... i know what to say its just i could care less), but i guess their reason behind it would be because i play video games and not because of what happens in my real life.
But i can still understand that video games can be an addiction and some addictions are bad, but its hard to tell if video games are one of those bad ones. And guess what... reports and facts can also be biased depending on the type of kids they get. If you get a bunch of kids on steroids that play video games then there is an extremely good chance they will be aggresive, but they don't tell us that do they.
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