I own Crysis, Crysis Warhead, and Bad Company 2. However, the only one I play consistently online is Bad Company 2. I'll be honest and admit that I'm not that good at the game. I usually incur about twice as many deaths as kills. Most of the time I get killed by someone whom I never lay eyes on; I'll be running along when I'm suddenly hit with a barrage of bullets from behind; I end up dying long before I even have enough time to turn around, pinpoint the location of whoever's shooting me, and shoot back. How do I prevent these sort of situations from occurring? What do you do when you find yourself in them? Basically, what I'd like to know is how I can decrease my number of deaths. I've seen other players who can consistently earn a KDR of 2 and above. I can earn a KDR comparable to that every now and then, but not most of the time. Also, is there anyway to use hotkeys for the weapons I have equipped, instead of using the mouse wheel? And how can I become more skillful at aiming? I tend to move the cursor slightly more to the right or left of a target at times. Should I get a better mouse?
#1 Sidearm
#2 Main weapon
#3 Secondary weapon (gl, RPG-7, mortar strikes...)
#4 Special device (Recon detector, Assault ammo box, Medic health hack, Engineer repair tool)
How to increase your k/d in BC 2:
-Don't run in straight lines or open spaces, use the cover and foliage.
-Don't betray your position shooting foes at distances in which your weapon is useless; spot for your team mates instead.
-Shoot in short burst (2, 3 or 4 rounds at max). Aim to head (or upper chest) any time you surprise your target.
-If you hear the sound of a detector be aware: an enemy Recon -or perhaps even more enemies- known your location.
-Don't blind rush in vehicles: AT-mines are easy to hide and are lethal. Be cautious. Never drop a tank to the enemy.
-Don't chase a enemy that is aware about your tracking; probably He's ambushing you behind the corner.
-Learn the maps and weapons. Learn the weak points, the sniper favorite locations and how the people play to win. Learn when a M-COM can be destroyed collapsing the building, when not, etc.
-Use the 1911 as the main sidearm, the AN-94 as your main assault, the 40 mm shotgun as the Assault device.
-Use the SCAR-L, PP2000 or XM8C as the main Engineer weapons, and place AT-mines any time you start a bmatch as defender (with x1.25 at damage and extra explosives). learn the best places to deploy -under the water, behind a bush... AT mines doesn't fade when you die, and the trigger had area of effect: can explode when a vehicle pass at 1-1,5 mts from.
-Use the Recon detectors; play with the USAS-12, Thompson or G3 as close combat weapons and the GOL or M95 as long range role. Use the M95 to damage any vehicles except tanks. Use the VSS with RDS in infiltration roles.
-Play in a squad and help your team mates, 8 eyes can see better than 4 and 4 guns kills even faster.
-Avoid hardcore servers and lone wolf roles until your knowledge about the game let you to rise your k/d above 1 : 1.
My skill in shooters is average; my k/d ratio in BF 2 was about 0.75, in Quake Wars about 0,9, in Crysis Wars about 1 and in BC 2 about 1.25. But I don't play as a sniper and barely touch the vehicles.
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