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#1 BluRayHiDef
Member since 2009 • 10839 Posts

I own Crysis, Crysis Warhead, and Bad Company 2. However, the only one I play consistently online is Bad Company 2. I'll be honest and admit that I'm not that good at the game. I usually incur about twice as many deaths as kills. Most of the time I get killed by someone whom I never lay eyes on; I'll be running along when I'm suddenly hit with a barrage of bullets from behind; I end up dying long before I even have enough time to turn around, pinpoint the location of whoever's shooting me, and shoot back. How do I prevent these sort of situations from occurring? What do you do when you find yourself in them? Basically, what I'd like to know is how I can decrease my number of deaths. I've seen other players who can consistently earn a KDR of 2 and above. I can earn a KDR comparable to that every now and then, but not most of the time. Also, is there anyway to use hotkeys for the weapons I have equipped, instead of using the mouse wheel? And how can I become more skillful at aiming? I tend to move the cursor slightly more to the right or left of a target at times. Should I get a better mouse?

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#2 deactivated-5cf4b2c19c4ab
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pretty good at some bad at others, overall above average, im usually the leader or top 3 in TF2.
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#3 Xeros606
Member since 2007 • 11126 Posts
Just keep playing. It's the only way to get good at anything. A better mouse won't help.
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#4 MythPro1
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If I happen to focus on a particular FPS to play such as Team Fortress Classic or 2, Counterstrike, Unreal, or Quake, generally I am pretty good. Most of the time I'm at the top of the pugs, but that's about it. Not really into trash talking or telling everyone they got "owned" or obliterated, that's just not any fun. Although people you frequently kill have a tendency to throw some trash your way, to get a rise out of you. Pretty common in TF2 actually.

I tend to avoid organized or league-based gameplay on principle despite the invites I receive and whatnot. I don't particularly enjoy being told when and how to play, and I try to avoid being frustrated as much as possible. Playing competitively has a tendency to cause frustration, and I'm not particularly fond of all the elitism floating around either.

To be honest, I offer no praise or respect to anyone just because they can push buttons or keys in a successful pattern with efficient repetition, nor do I expect or want any in return.

Just play to have fun.

Edit - I guess I just kinda answered the title of your post, rather than the actual content itself.

Just keep playing, you'll find that players follow a particular pattern when they play, allowing you to anticipate their moves. It's like in chess, players generally start the game with the three same moves, and there's little difference in the translation in fps gaming.

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#5 Baranga
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I'm... competent. And very trigger-happy, so I tend to avoid team-based games...

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#6 designer-
Member since 2010 • 1328 Posts
Usually top 3 in CoD, BC2 and CS (this game I have not played in years though). TF2 I would say I am pretty good, but my game seem to be all over the map, from dominating to really not being much use. Generally TF2 is my odd one out, as I tend to be a good defender, where as the other games I will never stay in one place for any legitimate period of time..
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#7 kazakauskas
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Im pretty good in SP fps games , but im more on the sucking side of players when it comes to multiplayer fps games.

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#8 millerlight89
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Pretty damn good. It does not take me long to become damn good at an FPS. Easily my best genre, and I have no trouble mastering it....... RTS I am absolute **** at though.

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#9 ventnor
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I usually find myself at the top of the scoreboard in TF2. I utterly suck at CSS, in Bad Company 2 I find myself at near the top or the top.

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#10 Gammit10
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Just practice, practice, practice. Watch/follow those that are high in rankings during the match. When in doubt, always remember that SOMEBODY has to be on the bottom of the rankings, no matter how good they are.
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#11 Ikavnieks
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TC. The keys 1-5 hav weapons asigned to them by default on BFBC2.

The only thing I can recommend on BFBC 2 is staying with your squad, if you can't see an enemy, your team mate just might, and start shooting at him and give you an idea of where the are, and you then begin to outnumber said enemy.

I'm pretty average, I think my KDR on BFBC2 is 0.97 I'm slowly improving though.

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#12 megatroneo
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excellent at TF2, good at CSS, suck at/learning BC2.

it's basically all about practice. yeah, pointing and clicking skill is important, but it's more about knowing how each weapon works, what playing styles suit each map, what opponents' tendencies are, and other stuff you can only learn by playing a lot.

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#13 Ondoval
Member since 2005 • 3103 Posts

I own Crysis, Crysis Warhead, and Bad Company 2. However, the only one I play consistently online is Bad Company 2. I'll be honest and admit that I'm not that good at the game. I usually incur about twice as many deaths as kills. Most of the time I get killed by someone whom I never lay eyes on; I'll be running along when I'm suddenly hit with a barrage of bullets from behind; I end up dying long before I even have enough time to turn around, pinpoint the location of whoever's shooting me, and shoot back. How do I prevent these sort of situations from occurring? What do you do when you find yourself in them? Basically, what I'd like to know is how I can decrease my number of deaths. I've seen other players who can consistently earn a KDR of 2 and above. I can earn a KDR comparable to that every now and then, but not most of the time. Also, is there anyway to use hotkeys for the weapons I have equipped, instead of using the mouse wheel? And how can I become more skillful at aiming? I tend to move the cursor slightly more to the right or left of a target at times. Should I get a better mouse?



#1 Sidearm

#2 Main weapon

#3 Secondary weapon (gl, RPG-7, mortar strikes...)

#4 Special device (Recon detector, Assault ammo box, Medic health hack, Engineer repair tool)

How to increase your k/d in BC 2:

-Don't run in straight lines or open spaces, use the cover and foliage.

-Don't betray your position shooting foes at distances in which your weapon is useless; spot for your team mates instead.

-Shoot in short burst (2, 3 or 4 rounds at max). Aim to head (or upper chest) any time you surprise your target.

-If you hear the sound of a detector be aware: an enemy Recon -or perhaps even more enemies- known your location.

-Don't blind rush in vehicles: AT-mines are easy to hide and are lethal. Be cautious. Never drop a tank to the enemy.

-Don't chase a enemy that is aware about your tracking; probably He's ambushing you behind the corner.

-Learn the maps and weapons. Learn the weak points, the sniper favorite locations and how the people play to win. Learn when a M-COM can be destroyed collapsing the building, when not, etc.

-Use the 1911 as the main sidearm, the AN-94 as your main assault, the 40 mm shotgun as the Assault device.

-Use the SCAR-L, PP2000 or XM8C as the main Engineer weapons, and place AT-mines any time you start a bmatch as defender (with x1.25 at damage and extra explosives). learn the best places to deploy -under the water, behind a bush... AT mines doesn't fade when you die, and the trigger had area of effect: can explode when a vehicle pass at 1-1,5 mts from.

-Use the Recon detectors; play with the USAS-12, Thompson or G3 as close combat weapons and the GOL or M95 as long range role. Use the M95 to damage any vehicles except tanks. Use the VSS with RDS in infiltration roles.

-Play in a squad and help your team mates, 8 eyes can see better than 4 and 4 guns kills even faster.

-Avoid hardcore servers and lone wolf roles until your knowledge about the game let you to rise your k/d above 1 : 1.

My skill in shooters is average; my k/d ratio in BF 2 was about 0.75, in Quake Wars about 0,9, in Crysis Wars about 1 and in BC 2 about 1.25. But I don't play as a sniper and barely touch the vehicles.

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if your having fun, then the don't worry about your k/d ratio.. that usually kills the fun out of an fps for me.. once i stop caring, its a lot more fun.. but if i were you just observe comon paths people take on maps. make sure you dont stay out of cover for too long and just be smart. a better mouse would help improve if your having trouble aiming and what not but if your getting killed from behind and such then its basically you not playing smart.
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#15 walkingdream
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Don't take the easy route if possible...EG don't run straight down the middle of the map. Look at your surroundings, was your team mate just ahead of you and now gone... ect....Is this route a choke point..
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#16 JN_Fenrir
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Try to hang back a bit and engage the battle from the outside/flank. Don't get overly eager and go rushing in. Instead, try to put yourself into positions where you can get the drop on the enemy and not vice versa. The prerequisite to this, of course, is learning all the details of the maps you're playing on. Just like driving a car, your best bet for staying alive is to play defensively. I know it seems rather obvious, but the real key to staying alive is not doing things that will get you killed.

Don't hesitate to try out some new roles too! Getting a feel for different aspects of the game will osmotically make you better at others. Besides, even if you always have terrible aim, you can still make a really effective and successful medic, recon or engineer, which is generally even more appreciated than just being a killing machine. Figure out what you are best at and what you enjoy doing the most, then capitalize on those things as much as possible.

Most importantly though, don't worry about your score, especially your k/d ratio, which is utterly meaningless. (Ask yourself, "Will a good k/d ratio get me a job or impress an admirer?" Of course it won't.) Just focus on working with your team and having fun. Remember, learning anything is impossible when you're stressed out!

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#17 BluRayHiDef
Member since 2009 • 10839 Posts

I don't mean to change the subject, but I can't help but mention the rule for a server I'm currently playing on. One of the rules forbids a player from jumping or hoping to avoid being shot. That's the stupidest rule I've ever heard of.

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#18 deactivated-5fae21e61a964
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I don't mean to change the subject, but I can't help but mention the rule for a server I'm currently playing on. One of the rules forbids a player from jumping or hoping to avoid being shot. That's the stupidest rule I've ever heard of.


It's because bunny hoping in darn annoying. Just nose your gun around the area and try and spot enemies. Stick to cover and foliage and be ready to zoom in and kill a target approaching you. Also, stay away from the action-packed areas, that's just asking to get shot. Take the "backroads" and take a point or flank the enemy force.

A good way to rack up kills is to go the Engineer class with your trusty SMG and Carl Gustav with the extra rocket upgrade and magnum ammo or improved explosives. Then just find some area of the map with waist-high walls or areas with gaps in walls and pick off enemies with your rockets.

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#19 Pvt_r3d
Member since 2006 • 7901 Posts
"How do I prevent these sort of situations from occurring?" The more you play the more you will learn the map. You will soon know all the great flanking paths. Stay away from streets with buildings next to them.