hi all i just wana ask if u all prefer to turn off the AA to get higher frame rates or just push your card to the best pic ever , quality>performance ...as for me i am using windows xp , EVGA 8800GTS 512 mb and i changed nvidia control pannel to maximize the AA TO 8 ..AF tO 8 ...and one more question a drop in frame rate does that differ ???
Its all about preferance.You have agreat GPU and you should have good fps rates even while AA is on except for hard games such as Crysis. I'd say try to make your visual settings higher and higher untill you feel that the game is not longer playable with the low fps
Lag/framerate issues are a hardcore PC gamers worst enemy... select it so that the it changes with the software becouse not every game is as graphicaly demanding... you dont want to be stuck with 8xAA in Crysis.
I tend to squeeze the most performance out of my setup that I can... kinda thought every one was like that hope most are I just hate laggers when playing BF2142 or COD4.
it depends totally on the person i played CSS with 9-15 FPS (on old laptop) and i was fine with that geting 20 was amazing for me but some people wouldn't be able to stand it at all...
I usually go for quality but I rarely turn on the AA on demanding games (Did I say "games"? I meant "game".) because it affects performance way too much!
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