Ok made a collection of some mmorpg's that looked fun to me... cause I'm searching for something new (sinds runescape is death for me now)
I'm going to give you the list, and if you know one of the games (or more of them) plz tell me if its good or not, and what you (dis)liked about it. If you know a game that you think is a bit like the games I mentioned and is fun !and free! plz mention them and I'll put them in the list.
(if you know a good site that rates mmorpg's like these, plz send me a link)
tnx in advance
Endless Online
Myth War
Maple Story
Conquer Online
Eudemons Online
Angels Online
Secret of the Solstice
Wonderland Online
Phoenix Dynasty Online
Zero Online
Magic World Online
Anarchy Online
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