I am so glad I didnt go out and buy this I tried the demo (JUST before deciding to go out and buy the game) and it was just horrible. It feels like the vehicles are floating, random objects all over the place, the mud textures on the bike was artifacting for me (first time I ever saw an artifact on my computer), when driving the buggy it randomly sends sparks all over the place. Hey I guess rubbing sand will make a metal spark right? I dont think so. The handleing was so stiff also it seemed like shocks were an unecessary part in the game because every little bump made the wheels fly right into the wheel well. The audio was horrible. That engines sounded like Driver 2's for a minute there. The music was ANNOYING like an infinate loop of a 10 second track.
Personally over a year ago when I first saw the trailer I was outstanded I HAD to have this game and I waited SO long for this to release.. Too bad it was rushed but hey it would make for a pretty ok coin op machine just dont expect to see it on the computer... oh wait.
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