Can u plz help me. Im searching for games with persistent rankings/statistics, which are saved at your profile and can be viewed when u want.
Example: Units killed. Buildings destroyed. Heroes killed. Kill/Death ratio. Units produced.Shots fired/hit. Highest lvl reached. Kill streak ...
I mean not that stast screen after the end of a match like in "Dawn of War", "Warzone 2100" and many other games, but a full list of ur achievements which is held and can be watched by inerface menus/tables or some kind of that.
As for example in "Warlods Battlecry 3" there is a page of ur hero, where u can watch ur ranks at many aspects of gameplay. It counts ur kills, victories/surrenders/loses, spells cast, favorite unit type, most played race, time spent in game. Similar system I saw in "Battle for Middle Earth 1 & 2", "C&C 3 TW" ...
In "Sacred" there is a counter of kills & deaths, last enemy killed, most enemy type killed. "Battlefront 2" has a nice system which gives u a rewards after reaching some requirements like kill 200 enemys with rifle and u will get a better rifle (example maybe not correct, but some kind of that ). In "Planetside" also.
RTS/FPS/RPG - maybe u can tell me some games with that kind of stat system if u know them, plz ?
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