post the games you have given 10/10 ratings. if you have alot, just the recent ones, if you have none, well, figure it out.
i have only ever given 2 games 10/10, Call of Duty 4 and Oblivion.
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post the games you have given 10/10 ratings. if you have alot, just the recent ones, if you have none, well, figure it out.
i have only ever given 2 games 10/10, Call of Duty 4 and Oblivion.
*Sigh*... Why do people start random threads just to be as popular and worshiped and awesome and cool and loved and good at english grammar and you knows like sentence structure and speling like me.Ps2stony
christ, what a b!tch. Just because you can't spell doesn't mean everyone can't. i just automatically use correct grammer and spelling (well for the most part) as a habit. i wouldn't want to walk into an essay and start going "oh and fyi ths is the bst tng evr." now go back to your cave you troll.
well, the only game that i would give a perfect score is front page sports: football pro 95. but using the gamespot's 0.5 incremental scoring system, i gave front page sports: football pro 95, baldur's gate 2, fallout 1 & 2, half-life 2, master of magic, doom 2, x-com, red baron, and hl2: episode 2 perfect 10s. another game may join them soon, but i have to finish it first and see.
Stony is back after his "vacation" from GS...
I gave HL2 and both Max Payne games 10. I probably should have given Orange Box and at least one of the Thief games 10 as well.
i should have figured by the "ps2" in your name that you'd be a prick....
anyways, i sometimes regret giving games ratings, but i never seem to get around to re-rating them. hl2 i should have given a 10, cod4 a 9.5, wic a 10, etc.
I shoulda figured that with "teeth" in you're name you'd be such a nub. Jk. It's the number that gives it away. LOL JK MAN IM JK!!!! HAHAHHAH IM SO FOOBIN IT TONITE! PARTI MAI HOWSE TOODAI!i should have figured by the "ps2" in your name that you'd be a prick....
anyways, i sometimes regret giving games ratings, but i never seem to get around to re-rating them. hl2 i should have given a 10, cod4 a 9.5, wic a 10, etc.
And why does PS2 make me seem like a douchebag? I saw you type douchebag you must have that tool that automatically puts prick instead of "douchebag" in a post without showing the "Edited" thing.
You're right, there is no perfect games, you can always find something against a game. But in my opinion doesnt it have to be perfect to be 10.0, it just have to be some of the best you can find. Godfather and Citizen Kane isnt perfect movie either but i would still give em 10.0 if i had to rate em.
My recent 10.0 games would be WoW and GTA:SA, because they just had so much content in them, and you could easily use 1000 hours on WoW and 100hours in San Andreas without getting bored. Both game had their flaws, but i will rather have a really long game with some minor flaws, than one of those shooters where you only get a 10-15hour singleplayer mode. If I should do a altime list i would probably also include Diablo and Tony Hawk 2 (once you figure out the controls).
Shameless plug: Hey guys, I guess if you want to see what games I gave a perfect score, then you will have to check out my blog at!..........
Shameless plug mode: Off
Whatever, I gave the Legend of Zelda Oracle of Season's a perfect 10, because that game is perfect. Now that I think about it, I haven't put a review up for that in my blog...........meh
Wow, you are all so picky. Of course you'll never find a perfect 10. If you had that standard you would end up single and alone. Just gotta learn to settle for what is capable at the time.
My picks for the closest of to 10 are:
1) The Oldies at the beginning: Original Pirates, Ultima 1-2, and Elite on Apple ii from 83-88. Red Baron later when the PC came out. There was nothing like them at the time.
2) The 90s: Ultima 4, Duke Nuke' em, Doom, Wing Commander series + Privateer.
3) Last 8 years in no particular order: Max Payne 1&2, Deus Ex, Baldurs Gate, Baseball Mogul series and High Heat until 03, and GTA 3. I havent been too blown over by any recent games.
If you play them more than once, and keep playing them once and a while, they have to be a 10 in your own book.
If you play them more than once, and keep playing them once and a while, they have to be a 10 in your own book.
so i guess minesweeper should be a 10 for me? anyway, i'm glad to see another high heat and red baron fan. sweet. don't see too many around here, it seems...
[QUOTE="chilovec"]If you play them more than once, and keep playing them once and a while, they have to be a 10 in your own book.
so i guess minesweeper should be a 10 for me? anyway, i'm glad to see another high heat and red baron fan. sweet. don't see too many around here, it seems...
Yeah, minesweeper should be a 10 for you, even if you are being a wise ass. How many times did Microsoft games get you through a stupid dead end job? Did you ever make over $2,000 playing vegas style in Solitaire? That takes at least 8 hours and the worst job ever. I have to give Microsoft games a 10 because it kept me from going homicidal on bad days in the early going.
As for Red Baron, you are dating yourself. Not to many remember that was the original joystick shooter. At the time it was amazing. As for High Heat, oh well. MLBPA wanted extortion money to keep it going. Was great while it lasted though. Thats why I switched to Baseball Mogul. As a sim only game, they dont have to pay the piper (for now).
The Operative: No One Lives Forever
Company of Heroes
Call of Duty
System Shock 2
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
[QUOTE="fireandcloud"][QUOTE="chilovec"]If you play them more than once, and keep playing them once and a while, they have to be a 10 in your own book.
so i guess minesweeper should be a 10 for me? anyway, i'm glad to see another high heat and red baron fan. sweet. don't see too many around here, it seems...
Yeah, minesweeper should be a 10 for you, even if you are being a wise ass. How many times did Microsoft games get you through a stupid dead end job? Did you ever make over $2,000 playing vegas style in Solitaire? That takes at least 8 hours and the worst job ever. I have to give Microsoft games a 10 because it kept me from going homicidal on bad days in the early going.
As for Red Baron, you are dating yourself. Not to many remember that was the original joystick shooter. At the time it was amazing. As for High Heat, oh well. MLBPA wanted extortion money to keep it going. Was great while it lasted though. Thats why I switched to Baseball Mogul. As a sim only game, they dont have to pay the piper (for now).
wise ass, eh? sure, i played it more than once, but one game is 10 seconds or 100 seconds long, depending on which difficulty you're playing on. so i wouldn't give it a 10 (though i'd give it a pretty high score). i should have put a :P after my comment; certainly, my intention wasn't to be a wise ass. just to point out a flaw (in a playful manner) in your argument. playing casual games is like listening to elevator music or reading those boring magazines while sitting around in the waiting room of your dentist's office. you just do it to pass the time. and i hate (and don't play) all casual games, with free cell and minesweeper being the exceptions - and i rarely play them; in fact, i haven't touched them in over 4 or 5 years.
and i was just happy to meet another red baron/high heat fan, which is actually the main reason why i responded to you. so well met. :)
[QUOTE="aliblabla2007"]S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
Stalker deserved a 10? Really?
In my opinion, with the Float32 mod and with patches.
Half Life
Half Life 2
Eacape From Butcher Bay
System Shock 2
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
Doom II
Grand Theft Auto Vice City
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
Broken Sword
Dawn of War
Company of Heroes
Max Payne
Max Payne 2
Sins of a Solar Empire
Medieval Total War
Team Fortress 2
I don't believe in grading on a curve. I think great games deserve top marks. I also hate rating out of 10, since there is naturally more redundancy with the scoring, and it's... redundant.
I'd say Duke Nuken Forever get a 10. But I come from the future, a bleak one at that. You guys are lucky you have a Sun that is still kicking.
Seriously though, 10/10 games for me would have to be Diablo 2, System Shock 2, Morrowind, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, and Starcraft.
First of all, sorry Fireandcloud. Took it wrong and my bad. Like you, not many people know what I am talking about when I mention High Heat. Rememeber the original? It was called Sammy Sosa's High Heat. There is still a game build going for MVP Baseball at MVPmods, but I have given up because it is getting too far gone.
First of all, sorry Fireandcloud. Took it wrong and my bad. Like you, not many people know what I am talking about when I mention High Heat. Rememeber the original? It was called Sammy Sosa's High Heat. There is still a game build going for MVP Baseball at MVPmods, but I have given up because it is getting too far gone.
no problem. no need for apologies, actually. i'm just oversensitive when it comes to such things. my own problem, i think. plus, it wasn't clear at all what my intention was; like i wrote, i should make better use of :P and such.
yeah, i played the first high heat (99, i think; i hate sammy sosa, but what the heck - the game was awesome). i played the 2002 version as well. great series. i'm like this close to buying a ps3 just to get my baseball (and sports) fix - mlb 08 the show looks pretty good. too bad ea ruined pc sports games forever (i have no proof that ea ruined pc sports games, of coure, but i like to blame ea anyway). :|
Final thought on this one. Thanks to the person for posting Home World and Fallout. Both those rocked.
The closest ever for a RPG to a 10 would be Fallout 1 and 2. Maybe a 9.9 minus .1 for a sometimes confusing battle screen.
Why these games were the best:
1) While all other rpgs were headed towards what is now Baldurs Gate, they went their own way. Instead of swords fighting a giant warthog, you got to express yourself with a long range heavy rifle and got to watch the head get blown off someone. It was the most unique storyline at the time and still is.
2) While the story was very in depth, you had some of the funniest side missions. With a charisma of 8, you get to sleep with the farmers daughter. With a 9, you sleep with the son too. Doesnt matter, you get a shotgun wedding in the morning and an automatic new member to your party. Unlike other games where you just drop a party memeber, you can leave town and just kill them in the desert. You get to climb down a toilet with high explosives and cover a whole town in crap. Towards the end of 2, you get to join the cult with Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, take the tour, and then just kill them. References to dead Mel Gibson, etc.. Join the mafia, be in a porn movie, this game never lets up.
3) Open ended and multiple ways to play. There is only one end, but you can do whatever you like along the way to get there. You can be a 300 lb. thug and beat up everyone along the way or be a politician and talk your way through without ever killing another human (till the end, Ive done it). One of the few games that character distribution points really matter. Oh, and I spent a long time once and killed everyone I came in contact with in 1. Eventually, it said "You are the only one left. You will die alone" or something like that. This game coves all its bases.
4) Very few bugs and easy to play.
5) Replayability because of different characters and story paths.
EA didn't kill baseball themed games, their union did. The MLB Players Association wants to collect every dime and nickel for the use of players names, images etc. It went to court even. Even EA couldnt afford it anymore. In the end, even though every stat is in the paper or online, they would have to pay a fortune to use them collectively. Thus the death after MLB 2005. Since then, they have lost money and thus the new game for 08.chilovec
whatever. ea sucks. :P jk (not about them sucking though, cuz they do). i don't really know the details (or anything really) about mlb and its dealings, so i'll take your word for it.
I just want it to come back on PC.chilovec
me too. :(
i played baseball mogul as well. i liked it initially, but the a.i. for the opposing teams isn't that great, and they really haven't improved it one bit over the years. i mean, a team would have like 3 or 4 1b, all of them with 100 power, and they wouldn't call players up from the minors until they reached like 25 or 26 years in age. i just couldn't live with such unrealistic dealings and stats, so i quit playing that series (06 being the last one).
Games i gave 10/10 - None
Reason - No game is perfect. ( espicially not GTA4 :P)
I don't wanna seem like I'm targeting you or anything (two arguments in two threads and all), but I really have to question people when they throw out this rationale.
The quality of a game is judged by the standards of the time. As the quality increases, so too do the standards. If a game has never been perfect up to this point, no game ever can be perfect. That makes rating out of 10, when you never will rate out of 10 utterly pointless. It's like putting the maximum score for a quiz at 100%, but having all the questions add up to a total of 90%. That extra 10% will never be awarded, so why is it there?
It also means that people will take it as a given that the highest score you ever give out is effectively your 10 anyway, so you're just back to where you started. Everyone (the reviewer included) adapt their scores and interpretation of those scores to acknowledge some bizzare and romanticised notion that the perfect game is out there, waiting for us...
...but everyone (especially the reviewer) recognise that it will never come. So, again, why is it there? Why even have that giant 10 there if you publicly proclaim that you have no intention of ever using it. You aren't scoring out of 10, you're scoring out of 9.5, or 9, or whatever. But then 9.5 just becomes your 10. You don't need to bump down the whole way down your score-chart since most people will disregard games scoring under around 5 anyway.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to change your mind or anything. But have you ever really thought about your rating process? Because it seems fundamentally flawed to me.
My solution? Change your interpretation of 10. You don't need to rate from pointless to perfect. If you're the reviewer, 10 can mean whatever you want it to mean. To me, 10 means the game offers an excellent experience that is without equal, and it is a game by which the standards of the genre may be judged. The 10/10 game may be flawed, but so what? All games are flawed.
[QUOTE="Kuyt19"]Games i gave 10/10 - None
Reason - No game is perfect. ( espicially not GTA4 :P)
I don't wanna seem like I'm targeting you or anything (two arguments in two threads and all), but I really have to question people when they throw out this rationale.
The quality of a game is judged by the standards of the time. As the quality increases, so too do the standards. If a game has never been perfect up to this point, no game ever can be perfect. That makes rating out of 10, when you never will rate out of 10 utterly pointless. It's like putting the maximum score for a quiz at 100%, but having all the questions add up to a total of 90%. That extra 10% will never be awarded, so why is it there?
It also means that people will take it as a given that the highest score you ever give out is effectively your 10 anyway, so you're just back to where you started. Everyone (the reviewer included) adapt their scores and interpretation of those scores to acknowledge some bizzare and romanticised notion that the perfect game is out there, waiting for us...
...but everyone (especially the reviewer) recognise that it will never come. So, again, why is it there? Why even have that giant 10 there if you publicly proclaim that you have no intention of ever using it. You aren't scoring out of 10, you're scoring out of 9.5, or 9, or whatever. But then 9.5 just becomes your 10. You don't need to bump down the whole way down your score-chart since most people will disregard games scoring under around 5 anyway.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to change your mind or anything. But have you ever really thought about your rating process? Because it seems fundamentally flawed to me.
Now that you mention it. I'm actually starting to think you're personally targetting me. Stalker Alert!
On a more serious note, i'm not saying i'll never rate a game 10/10. If i find a game that i enjoy thoroughly, i'll give it a 10, but i've yet to play one. COD4 came close to getting a 10 from me, but there was something missing(don't ask), so it got a 9.5.
[QUOTE="Kuyt19"]Games i gave 10/10 - None
Reason - No game is perfect. ( espicially not GTA4 :P)
I don't wanna seem like I'm targeting you or anything (two arguments in two threads and all), but I really have to question people when they throw out this rationale.
The quality of a game is judged by the standards of the time. As the quality increases, so too do the standards. If a game has never been perfect up to this point, no game ever can be perfect. That makes rating out of 10, when you never will rate out of 10 utterly pointless. It's like putting the maximum score for a quiz at 100%, but having all the questions add up to a total of 90%. That extra 10% will never be awarded, so why is it there?
It also means that people will take it as a given that the highest score you ever give out is effectively your 10 anyway, so you're just back to where you started. Everyone (the reviewer included) adapt their scores and interpretation of those scores to acknowledge some bizzare and romanticised notion that the perfect game is out there, waiting for us...
...but everyone (especially the reviewer) recognise that it will never come. So, again, why is it there? Why even have that giant 10 there if you publicly proclaim that you have no intention of ever using it. You aren't scoring out of 10, you're scoring out of 9.5, or 9, or whatever. But then 9.5 just becomes your 10. You don't need to bump down the whole way down your score-chart since most people will disregard games scoring under around 5 anyway.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to change your mind or anything. But have you ever really thought about your rating process? Because it seems fundamentally flawed to me.
My solution? Change your interpretation of 10. You don't need to rate from pointless to perfect. If you're the reviewer, 10 can mean whatever you want it to mean. To me, 10 means the game offers an excellent experience that is without equal, and it is a game by which the standards of the genre may be judged. The 10/10 game may be flawed, but so what? All games are flawed.
I give you an 11/10.
On a more serious note, i'm not saying i'll never rate a game 10/10. If i find a game that i enjoy thoroughly, i'll give it a 10, but i've yet to play one. COD4 came close to getting a 10 from me, but there was something missing(don't ask), so it got a 9.5.
But don't you think that not giving any game 10/10 up to this point is tantamount to saying that you'll never give a game 10/10? I don't know how long you've been gaming, but if a 10 hasn't come along yet, do you honestly believe it ever will? Bearing in mind that as games get better, so too do your expectations and your standards.
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