for gaming use, all versions of vista are created equal. I use vista at home and work and from what I can see there isn't any performance improvements over XP.
HOWEVER..I do run Vista x64 on my gaming system and wouldn't have it any other way.
So far I've been playing Crysis, Bioshock, Assasins Creed, COD4, and World of Conflict all on Max settings (except Crysis of course...High settings) without any issues.
Haven't seen anything touch above 2gb of ram or above 2 cpu cores except Aoc. Aoc rocked all 4 cores and went 3gb of ram which was a bit surprising.
I got home premium 64bit and except for "1" game, everything is working nicely so far. Odly enought, this game is fable: the lost chapter published by... m$!!! They released a compatiblity patch for it, but the french version of that patch is non existant so (...) them, I will not buy another game published by ms.
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