Hey guys!
Well, I'm looking into a gaming laptop. So I've started some researching and I've come to that with my max budget lieing around $1000, more or less, Dell XPS seems to be a good choice.
It should be able to run games such as Need For Speed, Call of Duty ( 4,5,6 ), Left 4 Dead and look-a-likes at a high frame rate and Medium - High Graphics.
No, I am not a professional gamer and I play maybe 2 hours on a week day and more on a weekend day and use it also for school work - Word, Excel etc.
There are two types I've been mainly looking into, the Dell XPS Studio 15 and the Dell XPS Studio 16.
The main factor that I'm comparing these two is the Price Factor.
Dell Studio 15 comes at the lowest price of $699 and at the price of $1149 fully upgraded
Dell Studio 16 comes at the lowest price of $949 and at the max of my budget $1099.
Please give me some advice in which gaming laptop to buy,
P.S. here are the links
--> Studio 15http://www.dell.com/us/en/home/notebooks/laptop-studio-1555/pd.aspx?refid=laptop-studio-1555&s=dhs&cs=19&redirect=1
--> Studio 16http://www.dell.com/content/products/productdetails.aspx/laptop-studio-xps-16?c=us&l=en&s=dhs&cs=19
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