I can believe the pc community don't like this game, whats not to like ? the action is good , it requires a lot of skill to be good at it (at insane and hardcore), the levels are fun and the story is solid . I feel very sad for the pc community because when good games come out no one embraces it unless it has some kind of cult following.
most of the people who are **** about this game are probably ones who have 9800 gx2's in SLI but choose to play games like counter strike and WOW. get with the times, sure halo 2 was a crappy port to the pc, the game run fine but it was way to old to be released on the pc. but gears is good, it's something very different to the same old shooters we have seen on pc's for years such as quake, doom, CS, half life, prey etc. it's a tactical shooter with out being too tactical and slow.
if you don't like the game fine, go back to playing WOW, which is just a competition between nerds on who has the most pathetic life. (the most time to waste building up their level)
1) GoW is NOT tactical, at all.(BF2 is from the list you excluded)
2)Good thing you excluded all the good PC games (Quake, HL, CS, Doom)
3)You are just saying your opinion and we respect that and you should respect our opinion
4)It is not that good of a game
5)PC gamers (one that you aren't quite yet it seems) play what they like and what is good for them, no matter if it's a game from 2008 or 1996.
6)The way I see things, all you like about it is the graphics (the reason you excluded all of those good games) and the (stupid) cover system. It may look good when the camera is shaking and all that but those things don't make a good game. P.S ETQW's camera shakes when you run so does CoD's.
7)We/you weren't talking about Halo 2 and Halo 2 has nothing to do with the fact that most people don't like GoW(PC) so why would you mention it?
8 )Nobody said that we who hate GoW play only WoW and CS, games that for me aren't that appealing, but they are good games compared to GoW
9)We can do what we want not what you want.
10) Any person that supports a game too much can be called "nerd" with a "pathetic life", it applies to you and GoW and to many others (Heroes V for me ;)).
11)Next time make a " STFU GoW is awesome and I demand you buy it so that I have what to do on multiplayer" or something like that because you DEMAND things from us now, you have gone past suggesting.
12) I can go on but do respect the opinions of other people :|.
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