this game is awesome , it's true that i hated it at first but now i'm likeing it a lot
now i'm 10 hours through the game , and i didn't get bored yet
players have been throwing this problems on the game :
- it respawn the soldiers on every checkpoint ! , well that's right but that what should happen in the real life , i mean they re assign another soldiers to the checkpoints ! , do you want them just to leave the checkpoint without guarding !? , plus it's only 2 gurds in every checkpoint you can kill them in no time , they actually add a lot of fun to the game
- the game is repetitive , well yeah , but tell me which game is not (to some extent) ? , i know this game is more repetitive than other games but still i found it a fun game to play with , plus even though the missions are the same , but the environment change in every mission (this game is about the environment and your creativity)
- the AI is stupid and hard to beat , well no , not at all , fighting the soldiers is to much fun and it is just right , the AI could'v been better yeah , but it's okay enough , and actually i never played a game that made me feel like the way farCry 2 made me feel when fighting the soldiers , it feel really like you are in the jungle and the trees and the grass really disturb your vesion like the real life , and it's easy to kill the enemies
i mean if you still have this game you might want to give it a second chance , since you already payed for it then why don't you enjoy it if you have chance to , except of course if your PC can't max the graphics to the top , then i don't know !
see this screenshots i took it yesterday :
look at the grass !! wow
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