@ZombieKiller7 said:
1. Players enjoys Game X
2. Instead of making releases when the game is significantly different, devs release the same game with different themes. CoD, CoD black ops, CoD ghost ops, COD infitrator, CoD ninja123 to exploit the way online communities work and turn online gaming into an "MMORPG" pay per month scheme. Instead of putting out patches and tweaks to improve the original game, and optimzing it, they just release the same game with different maps, themes and skins.
3. This works on console communities because you're generally dealing with a more casual, less informed crowd.
4. One can say "So what, I enjoy it" and that's fine BUT realize that by rewarding this behavior financially, you are creating more copycats like Activision to ruin the BF series by doing the same thing. People used to play BF2 for 4-5 years on and off. And then they release BF3. And then it turns into a yearly rehash like CoD with a new BF4 BF5 BF6 BF7 every fucking year, map packs, and so on.
5. By rewarding this behavior financially, you're shitting where you eat.
Just by 2 cents
- BF4 to me is different than BF3. I couldn't get into BF3, I bought it...tried to play it.... and then just uninstalled it. BF4 I'm enjoying a lot more, especially playing with friends.
- COD is the same, to the outside world they see it has guns so they automatically think "oh, it's copy and paste", but go play COD4 and then Blops2 and tell me they are the same game. They are not.
- The industry is the same as you mentioned but now with an accelerated pace. With BF2 you could play for 3-4 years with an expansion once a year.... now it's one a year with expansions (DLC) once every 3 months. I don't know if waiting 4 years to make a new BF or COD is really going to make a difference, they can also change/innovate so much. You have to also remember that these titles are so popular now that they have a much bigger development team than before, so they can push the same amount of work out that they did in 3 years before, into one year.
- Do I agree with this yearly release scheme? I really don't know, it's hard on the wallet, lol. I don't mind them releasing a new sequel every year or year and a half, but I think all the DLC should be free, and that's why I never buy the extra maps.
- What annoys me the most is the DLC content. It's $15 for a few maps and sometimes they aren't even new maps (just redesigned ones).
- The yearly releases also have the problem of being rushed, like you mentioned, and that I agree with. Sometimes they should test more but I don't know how that works. BF4 had a long beta to test and the launch was still bad?
- As for patches, all COD and BF games are still being patched and optimized so I don't agree with you there. One of my friends still plays Blops1 and the other day he had an update to download.
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