Hello all, about two years ago I got World Of Warcraft and Burning Crusade expansion pack. I have not played in a few years so I am pretty sure ill be starting a brand new character.
I just bought Cataclysm and was told I needed to have Lich King expansion to, so I copped that as well.
What I am wondering is what should I install/play first?
From my understanding you need to be a high level to even use some of the expansion packs...
I was told just to install Cataclysm and I would be fine. Then I was told I should buy all expansion packs I dont have and then I was told that I should just use regular WOW to level up and then use the Lich King/Cataclysm?
If you where starting a new character and had the expansions packs and were looking to get back into WOW, what would you do? Install Cataclysm and just go from there? Just install WOW and level up first? Install them all?
Thanks for any info!
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