[QUOTE="Luminouslight"] Technically the GT230 is just a slightly lower clocked 9600gt, but the architecture is roughly the same. You're correct that it performs more like a 9600GSO, but I don't see how it would resemble a 9500gt.Tennisobsessor1
it acts almost like a 9600gso core on a 9500gt board thats what im saying its still a little worse than a 9600gso very similar but not the same as. so calling it a 9600gt is inaccurate by a fair chunk.. a gt230 is its own breed of creature to power to be a 9500gt not powerful enough to be a 9600clone. its basically on par with an hd 4670 which isnt a bad thing at all. just saying that an hd 4670 or gt230 could be alot better.Please... Stop b4 I have a tech overload! All I know is that the gt230 is some kind of OEM re-do of a gt240 or gt220, and it is one notch above the gt240, and one notch below the gts250. If I need an upgrade soon, maybe once NVIDIA's new DX11 series comin soon brings down older card prices, then fine, so be it. Just please tell me in plain english if my card's okay. I heard some1 said ME:2 should b fine at my resolutions, so.... Well, I guess thats fine. Just some background info of my card's supposed power: Performance w/my comp when playing the Batman: Arkham Asylum demo = Couldn't be better, but its strange the demo doesnt let me modify graphics settings so I not sure the game was on high settings or what, but even if it wasnt, it looked great. Performance w/my comp when playing Darkest of Days demo = Truly pitiful. Really honest-to-goodness, almost a slide show on 1440x900, even if I turn off AA, AF, V-sync, and Ambient Occlusion. I had ta go all the way down to 800x600, which is ugly no matter what settings the graphics are at, lol, and I STILL got bad frame rates even w/out AA, AF, Ambient Occlusion, and V-sync. I'm guessing tho, especially from the reviews, that that game is just bad, lol, cuz just lookin at screenshots its really fugly even w/all the settings on high. I can play COD5 at max everything and have no probs except ping in online (thats unrelated tho, I think, to the card's power) and since COD5 works great, I betting COD4 and COD:MW2 will as well. I seem to have no trouble with games whose "recommended" specs say 7600 or 7800gt for NVIDIA, but the 8800gt ones become wobbly ground, cuz I don't rly no how well it will work on 'em.
I'm thinking I should be fine, but if not, what upgrade would u recommend? I like both ATI and NVIDIA, and actually, I like ATi more but it seems nowadays their cards have probs w/random lines on the screen, and some of their drivers have probs, along with there being basically no documentation for Eyefinity. That sounds like a lot, lol, but I like that they run on blah-level PSU's. Their high-end cards only require 450W w/... uhh.... 12v rail that has something like 22 or 24amps, I think... NVIDIA seems like its more stable. It requires more powerful PSU's and its a bit more expensive and bulky, but... ya, more stable. lol. My comp's case will probably fit a gts250, Radeon HD 5750, or even a gtx somethin or ati radeon hd 5770 and higher. My case, measured by me w/ the ruler, lol, is about 15 inches long, 14 or so tall. That should fit a gts250, right? I think that card is like, um, 9 inches long and 4.somethin inches tall (its a real humdinger lol) so ya.
P.S - I would've asked u guys b4 I gotthe comp whether it was good, but my dad wanted something from Bestbuy or MicroCenter, not Newegg or Amazon, and it had to be in the 900-something $ range or $1,000 exactly. We got the comp for 950 bucks at the holiday sale in xmas time 2009 from Bestbuy. It was originally $1,050 there lol. I had found, tho, some really, really powerful desktops at Newegg.com for only 999.99, but my dad doesnt like buying computers online, cuz he fears getting a card thats DOA and has no warranty or something lol. I'm 13, by the way, so I still hafta put up with my dad's decisions, sadly.
Fitting a video card like a gtx 250 in a HP/Compaq/Gateway/Dell is usually a nightmare. They always manufacture their cases to the bare minimum and without upgrade-ability in mind.
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