[QUOTE="acanofcoke"] I'm a poser?! I just want the best I can afford and something that will last a couple of years, in a couple of years I can SLI the 680 where I would of had to replace the 560 SLI.
What is the point of me spending needless money on some super processor that I really don't need. I bet you 95% of the people who buy a 680 have a i5 2500k or i7 2600k.
So all the GTX 680 owners are posers, I'd like to know what you think of anyone who bought 2!
nobody will back u up on that claim. Most people who go for gtx 680's do NOT own a core i5 2500k lol, they either have the flagship intel processor or the extreme edition intel processors. When those type of people go all out, they really go all out, they're what I call hardcore people. Then you have the posers who go for the cheaper processor/mobo, and go for a flagship videocard and think they're all that... Like i said its not about what you NEED, it doesn't matter about a point, there really isn't one, its about going BIG or going home. You went big quarter way and think ur the sht. Sorry bro, just cuz you have a 680gtx, you're entire computer is what i would call a suped up honda civic.
There's no such thing as a "poser" when it comes to picking PC parts... at least I thought not until I read your post and realized that you are one. I knew you were misguided, but this is on a whole new level.. wow. I don't know if you noticed, but the majority of builders/gamers on this site and others don't buy the "flagship" processor for a gaming rig. They buy a model or 2 down, because that's the smart move. You get 90-95% of the performance for 20-50% of the price. It's a no-brainer. There are no status symbols here. That's really knuckle-headed. We read reviews and look at benchmarks to see what the logical, practical CPU/GPU combinations are, and then make our decisions based on that.. not on some utterly ludicrous desire to have the biggest E-peen.
Take it from someone who has been building and upgrading gaming rigs for about 13 years now- Graphics card is and always has been much more important to performance than CPU in the majority of games. There is nothing wrong with getting a $500 GPU and running it with a $200 CPU. In fact, that's the smartest way to do it unless you're just filthy rich. Anybody who says otherwise is sadly mistaken. Almost anybody on this forum would back me up on this. They would also back up acanofcoke in his/her statements. Have you lost your mind or something? Started taking some new meds?
hm? how am i a poser, my cpu cost me $300, gpu cost me $250, i think that means ive gotten a better deal, since ive spent $150-$300 less than he did but get similar image quality and frames. I personally try not to do anything half assedly. If I get the best of something, everything else around it has to also be equally impressive. Its why you see alot of people who have core i7 sandy bridge extreme processors. There isn't a reason to do so since the performance is negligible for gaming but they do it anyways because they need to have the best of everything. I understand those types of people...What I don't understand is why someone who already has a geforce 560ti and an sli board wouldn't simply just buy another 560ti....it wouldve saved him alot of $$ im betting and gave him similar performance. My guess is he wants to impress people with the 680gtx, but the sad part is the rest of the computer is not equally impressive, which is why i called him a poser. And no im not on meds, i think its you who needs to go back to fapping to some nvidia tech demos
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