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[QUOTE="gamegpu"]Battlefield: Bad Company 2 test of video cards why is that game so demanding?
Maybe if they didn't go crazy on AA and AF the FPS wouldn't seem so bad.
4870 X2 here.
It's well over a year since I boought it and I'm delighted to see it's only slipped to 4th.:D
This confirms that I made a good choice and it was money very well spent.8)
4870 X2 here.
It's well over a year since I boought it and I'm delighted to see it's only slipped to 4th.:D
This confirms that I made a good choice and it was money very well spent.8)
Not when Crysis is the only game that requires such a beast...(unless you're playing at 2560x1600)
gtx 260.. though im tempted to jump to a preowned 285 from a guy i know who works in a hospital as a network tech.. who was one of the lucky few who got the BEAST known as a 5970.. man that thing kicks the shart out of crysis.. you ever seen one go its like lightning (kinda sounds like thunder too)
aww crap my card is 69th, time to cash that obama check and go shopping !!
yea lol anything over 50 is poop.
Where would the HD4670 1gb be ranked? probably above 9600GT right? cuz they listed the 512mb one but not the 1gb one which is better.
The difference between the 1 GB and the 512 MB would probably be negligible anyway for the most part.Where would the HD4670 1gb be ranked? probably above 9600GT right? cuz they listed the 512mb one but not the 1gb one which is better.
I heard the price was going to be around $230.... ouch...there is lol its called the hd 5830 it arrives end of february foo!
I'm #14 on the list...
I guess my question is why do we need more powerful cards?
I have a 4870...
I'm playing ME2, BS2, Fear 2, etc.. I guess I don't have AA maxed but that about it and all my games look fantastic. Seems like because all the games are also being developed for console they are not really pushing the graphics envelope anymore... There are not many Crysis's out there.
I'm not trying to cause trouble but exactly what games do you need or can even see a difference in between the 5870 and the 4870? I make good money and I can buy a 5870 any time but it seems it's really hard to find a game I can't max on my 4870??
I heard the price was going to be around $230.... ouch...:shock:............YAY!!!!!!!:lol:[QUOTE="Luminouslight"][QUOTE="aura_enchanted"]
there is lol its called the hd 5830 it arrives end of february foo!
there is also one final gpu yet to be seen or heard of the hd 5990 its an actual hd 5870x2 the hd 5970 is actually properly labaeled the hd 5850x2 odds are there going to hold it in reserve for the gtx 400 series arrival much like they did the hd 2900xt.
also this is a technicality but there IS a card better than an hd 5970 the asus mars (gtx 285x2) theres only like 10,000 of them in circulation and they cost an arm and a leg (1k ea.) but they outpreform one in dx9/10 and 11 benchmarks by 7.5 fps on most titles (farcry 2, HAWX, crysis, dow2)
[QUOTE="PatrickJCollett"]is gf100 really comin out?LuminouslightThey are supposedly launching March 26th I believe.
correct there first two will be right in line with the hd 5830 and 5850 (or at least thats the intended target) no news on when they will drop the atom bomb up top or when if at all they plan on aiming for the base of mt gpu benchmark but yeah march 26th
I wana by the 8th: 285 2GB, guess suitable for most games?imbenny44657
havent met the game yet such a card cant slap across the room
essentially if you sit in the top 25 you arent in any real danger atm top 35 and your doing alright but should consider moving on up, anything less is entry level to unsatisfactory
Sry, maybe I missed it, (cuz there are 30 pages, no offense) but I would like to see where my 1.5gb gt 230 would rank on the list... And yea, its an OEM, so maybe thats why I didnt find it. If so, please make a lis with OEM cards?
Am running a #11 currently...and still have in my possion these cards...
#130 (Great Card)
Sry, maybe I missed it, (cuz there are 30 pages, no offense) but I would like to see where my 1.5gb gt 230 would rank on the list... And yea, its an OEM, so maybe thats why I didnt find it. If so, please make a lis with OEM cards?
basically its a 9600gso look for that card.. really its just a relabeling as was the ENTIRE gt200 and 300 series (and the gts 250 aswell).
My SLI set-up is #24? Looks like I need to upgrade to a GTX 295, but I don't think I'm gonna go QuadSLI on the GTX 295 this time... Most games I play don't know how to take advantage of mycurrent Quad SLI set-up which is dissapointing... (Dead Space and FarCry 2 to name a couple) I'll either buy the GTX 285 or the GTX 295.
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