[QUOTE="dnuggs40"][QUOTE="Arcadius"][QUOTE="dnuggs40"]The reasoning you guys are using is really silly. Just becuase people have good computers does not mean they are graphics wh*res. Maybe I have a different idea of what a graphics wh*re's deffinition is, and what it means to you. Does simply enjoying good graphics mean you are a GW? Arcadius
Ahh, but it is the first step...that is how you begin. You buy a game (or a game console for that matter) because it has nice graphics. You enjoy those graphics. More games arrive with better graphics. Your computer (or console) begins to have trouble with those newer games (or in the case of a console it just doesn't run them). You know you need to see and play with these newer graphical innovations. You buy the best card so that you can see those graphics. You start the game, go to options, choose graphics, max out them, play the game. Graphic Wh*re! :lol:
That doesn't make sense at all. The ability to max out games has nothing to do with being a graphics whore, which implies the determining factor for a person in buying and playing games is graphics. Graphics wh*re also implies that said person does not play games of "lesser" graphics becuase of the reasoning, "the graphics suxxor...so does the game!". Becuase I am able to comfortably buy fantastic computers and enjoy my hobby in all it's glory, has nothing to do with being a graphics wh*re.
Of course graphics are important part of pc gaming, nobody is denying that. But lets not water ourselves down, they are not more important the sum of all the parts that makes pc games great. Story, gameplay, controls, music, sound effects, ect all play equal part in creating games. It's not meerly a "visual medium", it's an INTERACTIVE medium, with many parts playing a role in the presentation.
Something tells me alot of you have no idea what a graphics wh*re is. Just like sex...just becuase you enjoy lots of good sex doesn't make you a wh*re, it's when you sell yourself (in this case to graphics) is the determining factor in making you a wh*re.
Hey I'm just messing arround man, its a joke, a way to pass time, no real argument here, I am a visual person, so graphics are important to me, but so is gameplay, story, sound etc, and just as you well put it, "...it's an INTERACTIVE medium, with many parts playing a role in the presentation", nothing is more true than that! I'm not buying a game just for the graphics, in fact even if I do, I'd like a game with a good story and average graphics more.
Cheers dude!
Now back to wh*ring!
Something tells me you are in your 30's or close, so don't tell me that when you were playing your ATARI 2600 (or any other Pre NES console) you didn't discuss with your buddies how great the graphics of the NES were?
Of course I know this is all in good fun, but if there was only one side of the debate present here it would be jsut a bunch of graphics wh*res giving each other high fives lol. Gotta keep this thing interesting...else...how am I going to pass time at work?
"Something tells me you are in your 30's or close, so don't tell me that when you were playing your ATARI 2600 (or any other Pre NES console) you didn't discuss with your buddies how great the graphics of the NES were?"
25 here, and ya, when I first saw Super Mario in action...it blew my freaking mind!
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