Now all these MMO have come out with sci fi or fantasy based gameplay. Well what if one came out that was fps like war style mmo. So like picture thenew call of duty in MMO format.
So like the game starts in a huge world, you choose the country you want to play under. As you play and stragitize against the opposition you gain rankings in the army and gain stats and maybe even weapons. Like a completely open world of war where the players team together and come up with stratagies and ambush technechs and missions that need to be completed filled with hardcore gun battlesincluding tanks,air and marine vehicles. Theres alot more to this i have thought about but i just want some friendly input on if people would play stuff like this. And hey maybe if you like it give some ideas and maybe someone will see it and take a chance on creating something like this.
THanks all
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