Is the Grim Dawn Alpha closed, by the way? Is it possible to get in on it at this point? I would love to play it early, and contribute to shaping it. I was in the Path of Exile closed beta since over a year ago, and it's been a blast.
I like Path of Exile, but it's missing something. I can't seem to put my finger on what it is but it feels like it's incomplete.
Well it is still in beta. :PÂ
But yeah, it's missing something. I think what it's missing is tight, responsive controls. Combat can still be pretty wonky/clunky at times. I hope that gets completely revamped/smoothed over before they decide it's ready and call it version 1.0. Also, the story isn't complete yet. Even with Act 3 in place (which wasn't there when I started playing the closed beta) it ends right in the middle of shit going down. I was talking to one of the developers on the global chat a while back, and he mentioned that there will be an Act 4 to complete the "base game", and then, after the full version release, they plan on a new act every year, going forward. Also, he said that after they released Act 3, they realized (as did most of the players) that Act 3 was just way better than the first two. So now they're also in the process of doing extensive redesigning of large portions of Act 1 and 2, to bring them up to the standard of Act 3, and the new versions of those will probably launch alongside Act 4. I can't wait to start a new character for that.
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