GTA IV The Lost And Demand will be on pc??

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#1 psphunter954
Member since 2010 • 25 Posts
does GTA IV The Lost And Demand will be on pc? because i really want it and i am wating for it
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#2 dansnipe
Member since 2005 • 237 Posts

I have heard that the lost and damned files were shipped with the pc version of the game and are just deactivated. But not 100% confirmed :P Either way it makes sense to release it on pc :)

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#3 charmingcharlie
Member since 2006 • 1244 Posts

The latest patch for the PC version of GTA 4 had several changes in the files that heavily hint the DLC is coming to the PC (specifically to do with bikes). The patch also added the 5 Lost and Damned achievements as well. Finally a new commandline has been added to the PC version called "uninstall in game content" which apparently uninstalls GFWL in game content.

Unfortunately the latest patch is 2 months old now and we haven't heard a word from Rockstar about it. They have flatly refused to say ANYTHING with regards to why the PC suddenly got the achievements or the extra command simply saying "we cannot comment on unannounced titles". Some have speculated that the achievements being added is a "mistake" if it was a mistake then why have Rockstar not removed the achievements ? and why have they not simply said "yeah this was a mistake" and why add a new command that "uninstalls GFWL in game content" ?.

I think it is a pretty safe assumption that the DLC is coming to the PC, the only questions are "when will it come ?" and "how much of a dick are Rockstar going to be about it till we get it ?". I personally couldn't give a crap either way, I am sick and tired the way Rockstar treat the PC and the PC community and I won't be in any hurry to reinstall GTA 4 or give this unprofessional company any more of my hard earned money.

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#4 NoctisCaelum52
Member since 2009 • 1359 Posts
Yeah there's a 52% chance that it will. XD
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#5 Crimsader
Member since 2008 • 11672 Posts
Heard that too. But the TLAD thing in Windows Live doesn't mean anything so far. I really hope it will be out for PC too.
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#6 charmingcharlie
Member since 2006 • 1244 Posts

Heard that too. But the TLAD thing in Windows Live doesn't mean anything so far. I really hope it will be out for PC too.Crimsader

Re-read my post, it isn't JUST the achievements, if it was JUST the achievements then it could be argued that it was a mistake. They have ADDED a new command to the PC version which specifically "uninstalls GFWL in game content". So Rockstar specifically went out of their way to implement a new command into the game to allow us to remove GFWL in game content. Now the PC currently has no "GFWL in game content" so I would love to hear theories as to why Rockstar would specifically introduce a new command to do something that the PC apparently doesn't have and will never have.

There are other subtle changes to the game files that are too extensive to go into here but most of the changes from the latest patch are all concentrated around the bikes, how they handle and how they behave in the game. Now why would Rockstar all of a sudden expend so much energy on the bikes in the game ? I mean of all the bugs and faults in the game I would say the bikes don't need that much attention.

There is also the fact Rockstar have not said anything about the achievements. If this was a mistake I would have thought they would be falling over themselves to quash any thoughts of the DLC coming to the PC. It isn't in their interest to keep us guessing as to whether the PC is getting the DLC. It is in their interest to tell us that the PC isn't getting the DLC so we all go out and buy an xbox 360. Yet they have not come out and said "the achievements, extra commands and subtle changes to the game files are all mistakes and the PC is not getting the DLC".

As to why we probably haven't heard anything about the DLC, well the most popular theory at the moment is the last patch broke the game so much that they are having to do yet another patch before they can release the DLC. The other theory is that the DLC was not ready to be known yet and the release of this patch so early was a mistake by Rockstar. The second theory is more plausible since Rockstar has had a "do not say anything about it" approach to this patch and the changes they have made. Basically Rockstar have their metaphorical hands over their ears and going "la la la la la la la la" till they can announce the DLC on the PC.

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#7 thusaha
Member since 2007 • 14495 Posts
I think it'll be on PC.
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#8 psphunter954
Member since 2010 • 25 Posts
what should i do????? should i wait for the game or not???? : /
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#9 charmingcharlie
Member since 2006 • 1244 Posts

The only person that can answer that question is you. It depends on how important the DLC is, if you can justify spending the money on a console for it then do so. There is no firm release date for the lost and damned on the PC, it is possible that we are looking at a February launch but no one knows. There is just sufficient evidence to show the DLC is coming to the PC.

However this is just the first DLC the second DLC could be anything up to a year away yet (if that ever comes it will depend on how well TLAD does). To be honest the PC version of GTA 4 was such a lame effort that the console version is unfortunately superior in some ways. So if you want to play the DLC any time soon then you will have to get an xbox 360. If you can wait the PC might have all the DLC by the end of 2010 or beginning of 2011.

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#10 mattuk69
Member since 2009 • 3050 Posts

I was in the same postion as you i clocked GTA IV for the second time. I have a xbox 360 and liberty city stories is so cheap but like you i heard the rumors of the PC getting lost and the damned. Its only meant to be around 5 hours long to complete. So can wait for for Rockstar to say yes or no? I personally decided to wait who knows what in store for the PC verison.

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#11 dakan45
Member since 2009 • 18819 Posts
The is a reason only the MS console has those dlcs ;) To me its like asking if halo 3 comes to pc!! But anyway i would like that cool auto shotgun from the balad of gay tony!!
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#12 psphunter954
Member since 2010 • 25 Posts
i cant believe that i need to wait a year for thes game :*(
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#13 charmingcharlie
Member since 2006 • 1244 Posts

The reason you are having to wait is entirely down to Microsoft, they won't let Rockstar release the DLC on the PC till they have drained every ounce of use out of the content on the xbox 360 and they are absolutely sure no other PC gamers are going to switch to the xbox 360 to play the DLC. You have to remember Microsoft now considers the PC an "enemy" so it is now treating the PC as if it is a rival console.

The DLC will come to the PC there is no doubt about that, the question is when it will come to the PC. If you want to play TLaD and TBoGT any time soon then you will have to get an xbox 360. However by buying the xbox 360 you are effectively rewarding Microsoft for keeping content off your preferred platform.

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#14 psphunter954
Member since 2010 • 25 Posts
ok and thanks :)
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#15 Macutchi
Member since 2007 • 11217 Posts

i gave up waiting and bought them for the 360. the ballad of gay tony is really good, better than the lost and the damned for me. if it ever comes to pc ill probably trade in my 360 copy for it

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#16 mattuk69
Member since 2009 • 3050 Posts

How the hell is Microsoft xbox a rival to Microsoft PC? The episodes are cheap on xbox now. Make more money shifting the PC DLC.

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#17 dbowman
Member since 2005 • 6836 Posts

The latest patch for the PC version of GTA 4 had several changes in the files that heavily hint the DLC is coming to the PC (specifically to do with bikes). The patch also added the 5 Lost and Damned achievements as well. Finally a new commandline has been added to the PC version called "uninstall in game content" which apparently uninstalls GFWL in game content.

Unfortunately the latest patch is 2 months old now and we haven't heard a word from Rockstar about it. They have flatly refused to say ANYTHING with regards to why the PC suddenly got the achievements or the extra command simply saying "we cannot comment on unannounced titles". Some have speculated that the achievements being added is a "mistake" if it was a mistake then why have Rockstar not removed the achievements ? and why have they not simply said "yeah this was a mistake" and why add a new command that "uninstalls GFWL in game content" ?.

I think it is a pretty safe assumption that the DLC is coming to the PC, the only questions are "when will it come ?" and "how much of a dick are Rockstar going to be about it till we get it ?". I personally couldn't give a crap either way, I am sick and tired the way Rockstar treat the PC and the PC community and I won't be in any hurry to reinstall GTA 4 or give this unprofessional company any more of my hard earned money.


This pretty much sums up my thinking as well. I'd be very surprised if they don't release the DLC at some point.

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#19 charmingcharlie
Member since 2006 • 1244 Posts

Microsoft clearly see the PC as a competitor to the Xbox 360 and they have stated as such on several occasions. With such famous quotes as :-

we want more gamers to buy our Xbox 360. If we launch a game that is on 360 and PC simultaneously, we basically shoot ourselves in the foot by allowing the German market to choose to play the PC versionPeter Zetterberg Business Development Manager for Microsoft Games Studios

If we launched a Halo game on PC and 360 in Germany simultaneously, 80 per cent of sales would be on the PC. So we need to pick and choose our formats.Peter Zetterberg Business Development Manager for Microsoft Games Studios

The PC has a much wider use, it's so established, it's so dominating already so in some territories we need to make the games for the 360 to increase the sales there.Peter Zetterberg Business Development Manager for Microsoft Games Studios

There has been a shift in Microsofts thinking they are basically sacrificing PC gaming to try and flog their useless console. Every gaming related strategy they have now is geared towards making the xbox 360 the "number one" console and PC gaming be damned. This is why Alan Wake has been cancelled on the PC, this is why you won't see Halo 3, Fable 2 and Gears 2 on the PC.

At the moment the DLC is controlled by Microsoft they get to call the shots on what system it appears on. It is speculated that this "exclusivity" has a timed period about it. The fact that we have seen compelling evidence that the DLC is coming to the PC shows that Microsofts grip on the DLC is loosening. If Microsoft had their way you would NEVER play this DLC on your PC, thankfully it is looking like they won't get their way.

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#20 TheWalrusKing
Member since 2003 • 956 Posts

It honestly hasnt been worth the 30 ive spent on it for xbox. Boring and horrible main character. Reviews said so but man is he a dick, and the biker gang leader pretty much ruins it for me. U always feel bad doing some missions in GTA3 GTA4 but man this guy deserves to be a bad guy. And its just the ususal go here and kill this gang, cause they killed on of ours, which to me is so dumb, why would u be mad if they keep killing you, if you keep killing them?

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#21 macronia
Member since 2008 • 585 Posts
Well for me i want it badly... because GTA IV was the best in the series (away of the bad crappy graphics )...hope if they will release it,they make it stand alone install just to improve the graphics :D