[QUOTE="Lost-to-Apathy"] Oh, yeah. This is why everyone hates PC gamers. Shit, I've been a PC gamer for like 15 years, and I'm starting to hate them, too. Not myself, of course. RevanBITW
Yeah, too many people are obsessed with graphics, but PC fanboys are pretty ridiculous about it. Complaining that a game looks slightly less pretty on a 720p resolution and 30fps because your computer that cost 5 times more can make it look prettier is just dumb. It's like spitting in the face of games that try to focus on gameplay or other features instead of pretty lighting and graphics, and is just flat out snobbish when you're talking about a massive game like GTA V that runs spectacular on 8 year old hardware.
As someone who mainly plays games on PC, usually around Very high- Ultra settings, I don't care if I can run a game at 1080p 60fps, I just care that it's a good game, or else I'd never touch amazing older games or indie games because of such elitism and a requirement for Crysis 3 level graphics.
There's a very big difference between 720p at 30 FPS and 1080p at 60 FPS. And PC gamers not settling for the former is not elitism at all. Why wouldn't you want better performance for what is meant to be an immersive experience? Elitism would be looking down on people who are console gamers or don't mind the lesser graphics.
The problem is that people are going so far as to refer to the difference as being an entirely different game. It's nonsense, as nice as a better resolution and higher frames are, it's insulting to look down on people because they enjoy games for gameplay, not for prettier graphics.
With that attitude, it's a wonder indie games are so touted by PC lovers when they're usually budget titles made with retro graphics that a toaster (or a NES) could run, and just insulting to developers that want to make great games for everyone, but get insulted becase some elitists would rather they limit their market to only a select few with incredibly powerful systems instead of making a well optimized game for more setups and multiple consoles.
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