Anantech has 2x8800GT beating the pair of them in most games. No excuses they should be winning in every game at every resolution. A 9800GTX isn't far behind the GTX 260.
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the fact alone that the 9800x2 beats the GTX280 (at the moment) makes it a failure....these new cards are a step back...ATI is being given a HUGE chance hereUnknownSniper65
Let's just hope they can deliver I want ATI to come out swinging. After how awesome the 8 series was I'm sad at what nvidia is doing currently :(. I might actualy be inclined to get a 9800x2 after these benchies. It's only about £50 more than a GTX 260, and about £100 less than the GTX 280
I think what makes the new cards a failure is the cost. At almost half the cost of the gtx 280, a couple of 8800gt's in SLI perform just as well. For a single card the performance is pretty good, if they were a few hundred dollars cheaper, I would buy one.andyroo08
I agree...this would be a great card if it were $ 300-$350
but the problem is worse than the 9800x2 and it is more expensive....
the fact alone that the 9800x2 beats the GTX280 (at the moment) makes it a failure....these new cards are a step back...ATI is being given a HUGE chance hereUnknownSniper65
the 9800x2 only wins in those benchmarks because of the games that were tested by that source, i read the 20page review by guru3d it really depends on the virtual situation the card is involved in, and it only is beaten by a Few frames. for example those games posted above require more shaders and the 9800x2 just has more of those type of processors than a single GTX card. in other current gen games the GTX2xx is either right on par or slightly exceeding benches by the 9800x2, but usually above the 3870x2.
I admit it isnt a smart purchase currently at the present asking price for a GTX 2xx model. but in a year or so when prices drop and its possible to do 3 (maybe 4 at that time) in SLI it will be unbeatable for years to come.
I know this term has been excruciatingly over used, but.........EPIC FAIL.
I have a feeling Nvidia has a slight form of "PS3 syndrome" where you're so high and mighty about your products because everyone faps all over them and then you slip up and sell half-ass products for a rediculous sum of money.
Anantech has 2x8800GT beating the pair of them in most games. No excuses they should be winning in every game at every resolution. A 9800GTX isn't far behind the GTX 260
yes it is a dissapointment at higher resoltuions the gtx 280 should crush sli 8800 gt. to bad i have a non sli mother board or i would go with that. im disappointed if the gtx 280 was 400$ or less it would have been great but for the price the performance sucks expecially considering the 9800 gx2 will beat it in games and cost less. the 8800 gtx was an awesome card with it came out the 280 gtx not so much.
hopefully ati can deliever in providing awesome performance for a cheaper price.
[QUOTE="UnknownSniper65"]the fact alone that the 9800x2 beats the GTX280 (at the moment) makes it a failure....these new cards are a step back...ATI is being given a HUGE chance heremiddito
the 9800x2 only wins in those benchmarks because of the games that were tested by that source, i read the 20page review by guru3d it really depends on the virtual situation the card is involved in, and it only is beaten by a Few frames. for example those games posted above require more shaders and the 9800x2 just has more of those type of processors than a single GTX card. in other current gen games the GTX2xx is either right on par or slightly exceeding benches by the 9800x2, but usually above the 3870x2.
I admit it isnt a smart purchase currently at the present asking price for a GTX 2xx model. but in a year or so when prices drop and its possible to do 3 (maybe 4 at that time) in SLI it will be unbeatable for years to come.
the problem isn't so much the performance of the card itself,its the fact that the price is simply too is 650 dollars! While the 9800x2 ,which now goes for $430, performs roughly the same as the GTX280 (and in some cases it does a decent amount better)
Best single card but major fail in pricing and performance vs SLI and the GX2nightwraith40k
ya its' brutal ... makes me happy knowing though that for 200 bux i can upgrade to the same level as a 700 dollar GPU
Funny thing is that had NVIDIA NOT released the 9800 GX2, no one would be moaning about this card.
But the reality is that you can get a 9800 GX2 for $150 cheaper and with higher performance.
The chip itself isn't a failure, IMO, but the card as an overall retail package is an absolute rip off.
Funny thing is that had NVIDIA NOT released the 9800 GX2, no one would be moaning about this card.
But the reality is that you can get a 9800 GX2 for $150 cheaper and with higher performance.
The chip itself isn't a failure, IMO, but the card as an overall retail package is an absolute rip off.
I think this is a case where Nvidia is competing against itself. Sometimes your own worst enemy is yourself.
[QUOTE="Wesker776"]Funny thing is that had NVIDIA NOT released the 9800 GX2, no one would be moaning about this card.
But the reality is that you can get a 9800 GX2 for $150 cheaper and with higher performance.
The chip itself isn't a failure, IMO, but the card as an overall retail package is an absolute rip off.
I think this is a case where Nvidia is competing against itself. Sometimes your own worst enemy is yourself.
So we're all the way back in the old GeForce days then (FX days and prior).
As most people have probably been thinking, this leaves a huge window of opportunity open for AMD.
What I'm lolling about, is the fact everyone said I wasted my money when I bought my GX2. I said all along these cards would fail, and the 280 is a fair lol for price. I payed $600 AU for my GX2, which isn't too much more than 8800s in SLi. With that much money I wouldnt even get 1 of these cards, I could almost quad SLi for the price of one.
NICE Nvidia.
SO MOST DEF. Crossfired HD 4850s ($200x2)>>>> GTX 280 ($660) and will be $200 cheaper.
If you can crossfire three of them, youll still save $60.
Also crossfired 4870's ($250x2) > GTX 280 ($660)
9800 GTX2($440) > GTX 280 ($660)
IMO GTX 280 would be great, if priced $400 or under.
[QUOTE="BlueBirdTS"]I think this is a case where Nvidia is competing against itself. Sometimes your own worst enemy is yourself.
Not in 8 days.
:D:lol:The issue is the price. The 280gtx just dosent offer enough to warrant the costs. Nvidia has always been a powerhouse. They are, in many ways, a brute force. It got the job done extremely well and they did really well with the 8 series. However the 200 series just costs too much and they feel that people will still buy. Had they not released the g92 8 series and the 9800GTX/GX2 then this might have gone much better.
So it isnt that the 280gtx sucks..just that even nvidia offers much better alternatives to their own new flagship gpu.
That and I suspect alot of us have crossfire boards due to going with the intel chipsets. Nvidia kicked themselves by not allowing SLI on the intel chipsets. They could have easily allowed one chipset variant of the x38/48 to have SLI and broadened their gpu sales with this release.
I would rather go the crossfire route this time due to how good, albiet not saying vastly superior, ATI offers in the 4870. I am 100% confident that it will offer me all the performance I could want and at a cheaper price overall with better upgrading/combination routes.
That and the resolution most play at is around 1920x1200 or under. Mainstream isnt 30 inch LCD monitors. Just so many reasons NOT to go the 280GTX right now for so many other than to just say you have it to strangers online.. Its a failure compared to the last generation flagship release from nvidia by far.
Maybe they wouldnt have if the 3870X2 wouldnt have released.Funny thing is that had NVIDIA NOT released the 9800 GX2, no one would be moaning about this card.
But the reality is that you can get a 9800 GX2 for $150 cheaper and with higher performance.
The chip itself isn't a failure, IMO, but the card as an overall retail package is an absolute rip off.
As I've said before the only reason to get one of these cards is if you get 2 of them. Then again are you going to throw £600 for the 260GTX SLI or nearly £1000 for 280GTX to play a £30 game at 60FPS.
yep seems a stupid idea to me, its not as if those graphics cards are needed for anything other than that. I would much rather a new 46" HDTV and a 360 over SLI 280GTX. I try with all systems to get the best performance:$ rather than maximum performance, there are better things/ games to spend money on than crysis. which from all the gameplay footage etc i hear only has graphics going for it.
[QUOTE="SinfulPotato"]ATI is going to come out swinging this Gen.. And Nvidia is going to wonder why its cards are not selling well. ATI is coming out with power for a awesome price and Nvidia could be left with a black eye... Unless the monocle wearing suits lower the prices.
Where's your proof?
I agree with domke13. Nvidia can lower their prices when they want to and you'll get them cheaper so majority can afford it.
The main problem is that for the price 280GTX is a serious rip-off. And that it doesn't stand quite well against 9800GX2, and it's horrible watt usage. That's about that.
[QUOTE="domke13"][QUOTE="SinfulPotato"]ATI is going to come out swinging this Gen.. And Nvidia is going to wonder why its cards are not selling well. ATI is coming out with power for a awesome price and Nvidia could be left with a black eye... Unless the monocle wearing suits lower the prices.
Where's your proof?
I agree with domke13. Nvidia can lower their prices when they want to and you'll get them cheaper so majority can afford it.
The main problem is that for the price 280GTX is a serious rip-off. And that it doesn't stand quite well against 9800GX2, and it's horrible watt usage. That's about that.
Srry i have some problems with internet so i accidently deleted my previous post.
Nvidia can lower their prices when they want to and you'll get them cheaper so majority can afford it.The main problem is that for the price 280GTX is a serious rip-off. And that it doesn't stand quite well against 9800GX2, and it's horrible watt usage. That's about that.
Yields are low so they won't be able to match ATI on price.
Anantech has 2x8800GT beating the pair of them in most games. No excuses they should be winning in every game at every resolution. A 9800GTX isn't far behind the GTX 260.
you got ur facts wrong. the fact alone is that the new cards BEAT gt8800 in sli AND beat GTX98002. THE REVEIW YOU LOOKING AT DOESNT USE GAMEPLAY BUT PURELY NUMBER CRUNCH.
the fact remains the new cards ARE much better at running games than 2x8800gt and GTX98002.
but the point which many people seem to totaly ignore is this:
the GTX280+260 will not make a massive but only a SLIGHT NOTICEABLE differance. ie you wont SEE much of a differance between: GTX280+ GTX98002 but will see differance over gt 8800x2 .
Basicaly the the GTX260 the better of the tweo by far, and runs better than 90% of all cards on market while being quite well priced. this will be the main card for gamers, but we will have to see ATI first before we can fully judge.
[QUOTE="Shegevara"] Nvidia can lower their prices when they want to and you'll get them cheaper so majority can afford it.The main problem is that for the price 280GTX is a serious rip-off. And that it doesn't stand quite well against 9800GX2, and it's horrible watt usage. That's about that.
Yields are low so they won't be able to match ATI on price.
Well we dont know how ATI's cards do yet but supposedly they will get just under the performance of those two (three if we include 9800 x2) very expencive cards and at a much more attractive price.
Im a little worried about the GDDR5 on the HD4870 that could raise the price, and if the HD4x00 series perform as good as we all are hoping on, the price could go up on HD4XX0 also.
Roumors say that the HD4850 already has a large number cards waiting to be sold, so Im no to worried about the price of that card, it sould be about the price we have been told by roumors.
That is really underwhelming, but something people are forgetting is that this could be a driver thing, too. The drivers are young for GTX, and this isn't the first time either nVidia or ATI have come out with cards that underperformed at first and got rather drastic boosts from updated drivers. It's possible we'll see a pretty good jump from both cards in time.
Granted, the GTX 280 is a bust no matter how you look at it (well, it is so long as it's priced at such an unreasonable amount). At its price, even if it gained enough of a boost from drivers to be no less than on par with the 9800GX2 in all games, it's simply not worth it. The GTX 260, however, performs alright for its price, and if it saw an increase from drivers, too, it'd have a very nice price to performance ratio.
Well or more. who know i think it as more potentials. well let see ATI Come up with video card if it DEFEAt nvidia.
Id Think also maybe 15% Or osmeitng like +6-7 FPS. If that the case it still a major improvement. on 1920x1200
only 1/5 of peopel who make a epxneisve pc GO TO 2500x1600 to the simple fact
it 30 inch : it Large : IT Cost more then 1000$ or Pound To get a SYSTEm TO WORK with 30fPS + at 2500x1600
I think in 2 year 2500x1600 gona be a better Standart for video card : 1920x1200 is the current best (high end standart)
Lot of video card endle it pretty good on SLI & Tri Sli for no lag
While unless you TRI SLI the D260GTX OR 280GTX OC I doesn't know if you could run a game like Cryis 2500x1600 60fps.
all Very high. :( that the point im disapionted. i mean if you pay that much it should AT LAST ? Run . The GAme 2500x1600 : 60FPS : + The setting to it max :-/ But Back to 1920x1200
D(serie + are the only tos upport the future of monitor incoming end 2009 : 10 Bits Color = higher then current 110% Gamut pc monitor. a bit i think & more perfect & 120 hz which is make the Boom Effect & All those GREAt SFX far Greater but maybe the NEW NVIDIA incoming With gDDR5 in 2009 : Gona Endle well the 10bits : 3200x1500 monitor or the rumour talk about at 120hz
it possible it only 2500x1600 or 1920x1200 the resolution people cna afford at 120hz 10 bits
This is another topic. but it RELATEd TO the Geforce Serie D260+ Maybe a D280GX2 Quad sli ? or D300 : GX2 By 2009 with gDDR5 That would be awsome lol marcthpro
My english just got a lot LOT worse !!
[QUOTE="marcthpro"]Well or more. who know i think it as more potentials. well let see ATI Come up with video card if it DEFEAt nvidia.
Id Think also maybe 15% Or osmeitng like +6-7 FPS. If that the case it still a major improvement. on 1920x1200
only 1/5 of peopel who make a epxneisve pc GO TO 2500x1600 to the simple fact
it 30 inch : it Large : IT Cost more then 1000$ or Pound To get a SYSTEm TO WORK with 30fPS + at 2500x1600
I think in 2 year 2500x1600 gona be a better Standart for video card : 1920x1200 is the current best (high end standart)
Lot of video card endle it pretty good on SLI & Tri Sli for no lag
While unless you TRI SLI the D260GTX OR 280GTX OC I doesn't know if you could run a game like Cryis 2500x1600 60fps.
all Very high. :( that the point im disapionted. i mean if you pay that much it should AT LAST ? Run . The GAme 2500x1600 : 60FPS : + The setting to it max :-/ But Back to 1920x1200
D(serie + are the only tos upport the future of monitor incoming end 2009 : 10 Bits Color = higher then current 110% Gamut pc monitor. a bit i think & more perfect & 120 hz which is make the Boom Effect & All those GREAt SFX far Greater but maybe the NEW NVIDIA incoming With gDDR5 in 2009 : Gona Endle well the 10bits : 3200x1500 monitor or the rumour talk about at 120hz
it possible it only 2500x1600 or 1920x1200 the resolution people cna afford at 120hz 10 bits
This is another topic. but it RELATEd TO the Geforce Serie D260+ Maybe a D280GX2 Quad sli ? or D300 : GX2 By 2009 with gDDR5 That would be awsome lol Mtnes
My english just got a lot LOT worse !!
Well or more. who know i think it as more potentials. well let see ATI Come up with video card if it DEFEAt nvidia.
Id Think also maybe 15% Or osmeitng like +6-7 FPS. If that the case it still a major improvement. on 1920x1200
only 1/5 of peopel who make a epxneisve pc GO TO 2500x1600 to the simple fact
it 30 inch : it Large : IT Cost more then 1000$ or Pound To get a SYSTEm TO WORK with 30fPS + at 2500x1600
I think in 2 year 2500x1600 gona be a better Standart for video card : 1920x1200 is the current best (high end standart)
Lot of video card endle it pretty good on SLI & Tri Sli for no lag
While unless you TRI SLI the D260GTX OR 280GTX OC I doesn't know if you could run a game like Cryis 2500x1600 60fps.
all Very high. :( that the point im disapionted. i mean if you pay that much it should AT LAST ? Run . The GAme 2500x1600 : 60FPS : + The setting to it max :-/ But Back to 1920x1200
D(serie + are the only tos upport the future of monitor incoming end 2009 : 10 Bits Color = higher then current 110% Gamut pc monitor. a bit i think & more perfect & 120 hz which is make the Boom Effect & All those GREAt SFX far Greater but maybe the NEW NVIDIA incoming With gDDR5 in 2009 : Gona Endle well the 10bits : 3200x1500 monitor or the rumour talk about at 120hz
it possible it only 2500x1600 or 1920x1200 the resolution people cna afford at 120hz 10 bits
This is another topic. but it RELATEd TO the Geforce Serie D260+ Maybe a D280GX2 Quad sli ? or D300 : GX2 By 2009 with gDDR5 That would be awsome lol marcthpro
That is possibly the worst thing I have ever read.
maybe with a releas of 180+ Driver performance gona drop to +10%
It should logicaly be much stronger The spec of The new geforce
it offer some new feature that only Quad sli can do and this one can do with a single card
2x8800GT will offer less possiblity to increase graphic to the maxest a game like Crysis compare to to TWO GTX260
And i saw that TWO GTX260 Are Barely OFfering Better Performance now then Two GTX280 So maybe With new Driver
The 2x GTX280 Gona kick Quad sli by far
Yet One D280 OC can do all Graphic to high beside Object quality In crysis : At 1920x1200 with over 30 fps
That playable : 60 fps better but only Sli offer it :-/
One 9800GX2 Can only do half medium : half high on Crysis
So the new Graphic Texture of D280 shoudl be Stronger indeed. But Ima wait few month to see if price drop
9800gx2 was 660$ : now 520$ in sale And Two Gx2 was Best Perofrmanc ebefore Quad sli But just Double SLI GTx260 OC may kick ass of quaD sli maybe? Crysis ALL very high : 1920x1200 : 50FPS that would be nice marcthpro
Need I remind you of the HD 2900xt?
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