First of all let me just say that I was worried if my new PC could run Counter Strike Source or Halo PC (I've never played a real PC game before). So I was just going to get one of those games since I love Halo 1 and have always wanted to try out CS. Well I just found out that my PC can run CoD 4 on recommended settings and also Crysis (even though I don't want it). So now that I know I can run most every game, what game should I buy, keep in mind I've never played a PC shooter before.
Halo: I absolutely love it on Xbox, I've beaten it about 50 times and am dying to play Blood Gulch online, but it is a older games and I'm not sure if anyone still plays it, and I'm not sure if the warthog will be as fun to use.
Counter-Strike; Source: I've always wanted to try CS, and it looks pretty fun, but seeing as that is what all the HC players play, I don't want to get owned for two months while I get the hang of the PC.
Call of Duty 4: I love it on 360 more than I thought a modern game could be loved, but I've always wanted to see what a CoD game would be like on PC and also I want all those modded maps.
Company of heroes: I like 360 RTS' but the controls are frustrating, I think CoH looks amazing and I heard that RTS' are better on PC.
So what game should I get as my first PC game?
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