Maximum PC magazine published a technology focused Crysis interview with Crytek CEO and President Cevat Yerli on their October 2007 issue. Below is a short summary of the main topics from the one-page interview. Thanks to littlecheez9 for this!
- The game physics in Crysis will be handled by the CPU only so there will be no GPU or PhysX PPU aided physics acceleration.
- What comes to digital distribution Crysis will not be available on services such as Steam but on EA Link (EA Store).
- Crysis is highly optimized for both single-core and multi-core CPUs.
- The benefit from having multi-core CPUs will only be better performance i.e. higher and smoother frame rates.
- Cevat believes that GeForce 8800 GTS or Radeon 2900 will be good for running Crysis at 1280 resolutions on maximum settings but for 1600x1200 or higher you'll need faster hardware.
Damn! I was really hoping my 2900xt would be able to max it at 1680x1050. However, Cevat might be wrong, and everyone seems to have a different definition for "maxed settings" so who knows, there could still be hope! I only need 2x, MAYBE 4x AA, and maxed for me is 40+ FPS without drops below 35 fps.
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