Hey all, it's been about a year since I last built my computer, and I feel it's time to buy a new mobo, CPU, power supply, and fan for the CPU. I'm going to be reusing some of the parts from my current computer, with a few additions here and there.
Here's what I'm reusing
4 gigs of http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820211066
I'm also going to be buying another 500 gig hdd for storage, in addition to the one I already have (160 gig).
Here's the stuff I want to replace
I like my AMD processor, but I'm not opposed to getting an Intel. I basically want the most bang for my buck.
I figure I want to spend around 350-400 total, including power supply and fan. If I can spend less, that's always good.
Any help is appreciated.
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