If it's a character driven game, I don't really care if the main character is male or female, so long as the charater likeable. I never really found Laura Croft likeable. She's pompous, and snotty, and way too high on herself. At least that's how I remember her. Samus is an awesome character, but her personality is slim to none. She's kind of your average silent hero-character. She usually says a few things in the beginning of the games, but never has any extended dialog like Croft usually does. Maybe I just prefer women who don't talk very much! Just joking...well...sorta...:DBut still, I'm a guy and a role-player at heart, so I'm alot more comfortable pretending I'm a dude then pretending I'm a chick.
In games where you can make your own character, I always make a male character. I knowa lot of people say, "Hey, it'snicer to look at a chick running around for 40 hours", but I tend to approach video games as if I am the character I'm playing, and that character is me. Seeing as how I'm a dude, I feel like a transvestite or something if I play a female character by choice.I know for a fact that a huge number of guys play chick characters because it's super easy to get help from little lonely nerds who get horney when you type "/dance".
My girlfriend and I used to play WoW together, and she's always be one step ahead of me because she'd get help from some random kid, because she played a female characterwhile I was a male character. On one hand, it's not fair, but on the other hand, it's sort of a realistic reflection of how it is in real life.
It's kind of unnerving to think how many dudes out there prefer to play female characters and claim it's just better to look at. When I played WoW, about 70% of the female characters in my guild were actually guys, and about 80% of those guys were openly gay A few claimed to inherit their female characters from their wives or girlfriends, which some I know to be true.
Not that I really care who is or isn't gay but when you get hit on by a female character in game, only to hear the person's voice a week later and realize that their actually a guy, it kind of puts you at odds with the whole concept of trans-gender gamers/avatars.
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