Hello. :) I was just wondering if this is bad. I have 3 GB of Ram (on Vista) and about 51 processes running" Most are just in the background. Seeing as the only thing I have open is FireFox with only 1 window open. (no tabs) It just seems like my physical memory is high. It is now about 44%. It seems awfully high for such little happening.
If you run the sidebar in Vista,it alone will eat over 1/2 a gig in it's native state,plus what ever other things you attach to it.If you game,turn the side bar off.
Vista uses something called superfetch it will load programs and other things in memory that it thinks that you will need and hence take it up. But soon as that memory is needed they will instantly release that memory. So basically that 44% is a lie, sure its being used right now but will be free'd up instantly.
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