When I played the Demo I thought it was pretty good.
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I wanted to try this, but apparently it's more dead than my other beloved (check my sig), so I won't bother. Regardless, it looks like a lot of fun.
it was a lot of fun. i dont understand why it didnt take off.yellosnolvr
Maybe Quake has become played out? It is an older franchise trying to find resurgence in a modern market and I think people are tired of it by now. I never played Quake Wars, but from what I understand by what friends have told me as well as what I have read in reviews it's a clone of RTCW: Enemy Territory with a Quake theme so that alone makes it seem kind of pointless. The game devs might have created a self defeating purpose and played out their title by copying something which had already been done. If they wanted to breathe life into Quake they probably should have done something different as opposed to mimicing something already out there.
I never thought Quake was anything to brag about, even when it was hyped up back in the day, but that's not meant to knock on those who like it.
I thought it was partly due to Splash Damage never adding anything new the game. After it's launch and a few patches there was a general lack of support. I did notplay at initial release but got into it a few months after. This is just something I gathered after reading the official forums years ago so I'm not 100% sure on the facts.
I think it did play quite differently to the other online team based shooters at the time and many spacts of the game can definately be frustrating for some people. For instance one team always completely demolishing the other which happens in many games but in ET:QW is was a painful process. The long respawn timesand distance you have to travel to get back, being revived only to be shot down again immediately, the power of head shots and weakness of anything but, ect.
I played this around three years ago and it was a very solid game. Quite popular too. But it wasn't all that special and to be honest Battlefield 2, Unreal Tournament, Counter Strike: Source, Quake Live and some others are all better multiplayer games. Therefore I'm not surprised it's not as active anymore as it was three years ago.
I used to play it way back. I bought the game for $5 at a local store and played it for a while back in 2009. But, the official forums are gone, the statistics tracking is gone, and I don't know how people even play it these days.
It definitely received a lot of pre-release hype, though.
Because when i played the beta all that time ago everything felt terrible. Tanks felt like they were light sports cars. Weapons felt terrible ect. Damn shame because i remember being really excited all that time ago.
However one thing i did like was you could damge the tanks with enough light arms fire.
There are enough active servers to nearly constantly find games on due to the solid cult following. Still a worthy purchase if someone is interested.I wanted to try this, but apparently it's more dead than my other beloved (check my sig), so I won't bother. Regardless, it looks like a lot of fun.
I baugh tit on release and was very hyped for it. I quit because of the annoying voice acting especially the "Thank you!" which still resounds in my head every time i think about that game. I think they patched the game to make it hapen less often or something since then but i have no desire to revisit the game now.
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