You'd be surprised at how many games won't run maxed at 1440p with a single 980. The difference between 1080p and 1440p may not seem like much, but it's pushing nearly twice as many pixels. On my box it runs around 80-100fps in single GPU mode which for a brand new AAA title is actually really impressive.
One thing I did notice, though. Many people complained about GTA4 being terribly optimized on PC. It was demanding, but one of the reasons it was so demanding is that it came with about a dozen sliders that you could push WAY past what the console version did in terms of view distance/detail/whatever. People would push every slider to the max and then complain that the game doesn't run at "max" settings very well.
In GTA5, they have the standard settings and then another section of advanced settings that are turned off by default. That whole section comes with a performance hit warning label.
That traffic max, time square had like 150 cars in it, absolutely ruined the framerate.
Yeah, people get obsessed with "max settings" without stopping to realize that this doesn't always mean the same thing in every game. If a game -lets- you crank it higher than any modern system can do, then it gets criticized for being poorly optimized. Sometimes that's true (like in Dead Rising 3 where literally no computer today can run it under even decent settings at 1440p) but GTA 4 got an unfair rap.
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