Well there's your problem :P saronite is no good, that you can only sell to a vendor, but nobody really needs saronite, you rarely find somebody that asks, if so you can just rush to sholazar or something and gather a few. Titansteel was good for money, if you're too lazy to farm for materials then you can get something like 30 g profit per bar, if you do farm you can get up to 60g profit (on my server at least), but there's really no point to professions at the moment since everything will be useless in less than 2 days.
If you'll continue to be a miner, just smelt the last recipe since those are used for high end items, for cataclysm it's elementium/hardened elementium.
No idea about herbalism, never picked it up, my herbalism alt barely has around 180 skill :P, but herbalism is not really in demand, from what I saw, it's practically useless for making money on its own, just for getting materials for inscription or alchemy. If those are your two professions then they're not really a good mix, herbalism and mining. I assume alchemy will have the same uses in Cataclysm so if you want to dominate the high end metal market you can pick up alchemy and mining, to transmute certain materials that you need for the high end smelting recipes, but it's too soon to fully predict professions yet.
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