I see that the valve complete pack is a great deal but my father wont get it, it's not about the money it's about the studies to get me ready for summer.
What can I say to convince him?
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I see that the valve complete pack is a great deal but my father wont get it, it's not about the money it's about the studies to get me ready for summer.
What can I say to convince him?
Say "Thank you for preventing me from wasting all my time on Orange Box and making me concentrate on my studies at this important juncture"
well, do you have a history of prefering games over homework? If you DO, then tough break, if you do not, then tell him that.
Education really is quite important, and the fewer distractions the better, usually gaming doessnt mess with your grades, if you are known to only play in moderation (between 1-2 hours a day, leaves some nice 3-6 hours per day to studying).
If you really do like studying then there is no problem at all ^^ So I guess it all depends on how youve held up in the past.
What he said, study first.My advice is: Study first, play later. In the end the price of the package won't change and it might get better in the future (Portal 2, Ep3, ...) so don't stress about it, besides you have a x360 with the OB so play that in the mean time.
You just have to be one of those really intelligent kids who don't have to study but still ace everything they do. It worked for me. I got through High School just fine...and more than enough gaming to go along with it.
i bought valve complete pack, and it's too good. i know for a fact that it interrupts my college work, just wait until after you're exams, it'll be worth it i promise and i'll see you on left 4 dead :P
It's almost the end of the year and I have a 4.0 GPA. He wants me to study for 9th grade but will making a 2-hour gaming schedule work?
Think about it this way: In 10 years time when you're pumping tyres for a living do you still want to be asking your dad to sub you money for games? Then I'd knuckle down with those studies.machine_BI would make a schedule, 2 hours a day gaming, the rest is studying
studies to get you ready for summer?coolmonkeykidstudies to get me ready for the next year of school
Well if you can't convince him now, wait until Christmas time when everything is 25 - 75% off. This last Christmas, the complete pack was only 70 bucks I think AND it included L4D.I see that the valve complete pack is a great deal but my father wont get it, it's not about the money it's about the studies to get me ready for summer.
What can I say to convince him?
Use your Jedi mind powers. If that doesn't work, do like American Beauty and bring over a nubile, young girl. I'd say pay for a hooker, but that costs money.
Mow the lawn. Get a part time job?.... yea just get A's.
I have MUCH more than 100, its not the money. its the permissioncyberspider2Well I don't know what to tell you. When I was growing up I would ask my dad if I could buy something and he would just tell me "It's your money." So basically, he was saying I need to find out what is a waste of money myself and what isn't. This, IMO, would not be a waste of money, especially if you don't have any of the games yet. It really is the most incredible deal in games ever.
[QUOTE="cyberspider2"]I have MUCH more than 100, its not the money. its the permissionchanntheman1Well I don't know what to tell you. When I was growing up I would ask my dad if I could buy something and he would just tell me "It's your money." So basically, he was saying I need to find out what is a waste of money myself and what isn't. This, IMO, would not be a waste of money, especially if you don't have any of the games yet. It really is the most incredible deal in games ever. I don't have any games in steam except Hl2DM, it's a good deal
How old are you?
EDIT: Just saw you're going to be a freshman next school year (Thank god I'm going to college in August), so I'm assuming 14-15? You should show your dad that with high school you can start to accept more responsibility by balancing your gaming time with school work.
Use reverse psychology:
Tell him he's right and that, after further consideration, the Valve collection is not something you're into...but what you REALLY want is a WoW subscription. If that doesn't get your dad to allow you to get the Valve complete pack, I'm not sure what will work.
Or, you could compromise. If you're not budging in your wants, and he's not budging on his wants, the only solution is to work out a compromise. Ask him if it would okay to get the Valve pack IF you can show that you can handle high school scene (not sure how you're school system works, but mine was 9-12 = high school). Afterwhich time, you can get the Valve pack, but will only play after you have completed your homework/studies.
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