I was able to get the console to open with c:\games\castle wolfenstein\SP\Wolf2.exe" \set sv_cheats 1 \g_fov 90 and i typed com_allowconsole 1 set sv_cheats 1 Removed the commands from the exe short cut. But i stil can't the the console to open with the key binding i set. and the ~ doesn't work either. Any ideas?
@sm0ke311 ur stuff makes the game crash to console not enable it. All u need to do is edit ur link Wolfenstein(TM) Single Player to target "somewhere*\SP\Wolf2.exe seta com_allowconsole 1" where somewhere* is by default C:\Program Files\Activision\Wolfenstein\ Then in game all u need to do is hold lALT + rALT + ~ to drop down console where lALT is ur left ALT key rALT is ur right ALT key. Hope that points ya in the right direction kerath :)
I believe I got a PlayStation game disguised as a PC game. I tried to edit the wolfconfig file and tried renaming it autoexec but every time I pop in the the CD it spawns a new config file and overwrites the the old one. I also tried to modify the shortcut on the desktop under properties and added the line outside of the quotation marks allowconsole1 and when I put in the CD the game would start and the console would show but there would be no way to get rid of it unless you type exit and the game would quit as well. If anybody has any ideals I'm listening.
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