this is "if " the game comes to PC.
reason why: the first game had sound issues, well documented but activision never bothered ( as fas i know ) to issue a patch to fix the problem. they just plain ignored the fans.
do a search for prototype sound issues and you will see. I bought the game in good faith before finding out about the sound issues...visually, it is an awesome game and i would have really liked to have been able to play it as intended but no dice. Activision remained mum on the issue and never did anything about it. So if activision does not care about its first game, what make them think they will care about their second game.
I strongly urge you to do some internet research on this and see for yourself and then decide what to do but i know that i wont be buying on the sequel even if it might be awesome and have high reveiws. I urge all people to think about that one. The company took some of my money from me and left me with a defective product that never got fixed. ( if the problem is resolved point me to it so i can play the game...then i might chnage my mind about what i have said above.)
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