I dont accept skyrim at all, and I refuse to buy it until at least the GOTY edition comes out. It looks terrible all around with the Ipad inspired UI, infinite dragons, bland environments, inevitable bugfest and shoddy combat (from the looks of it).
Besides I got much better looking fantasy action adventure games to play, like Skyward Sword (not talking about graphics). Yeah, I dont really consider The Elder Scrolls games RPGs anymore.
they are one of the ONLY devs out there that let gamers create mods in such quantity, and the one of the few game series with an SDK so easy to use and make your own mods big or small. They are also masters of the sandbox. Sure, their writing and voice acting suck, but no series comes close to the fantasy sandbox an elder scrolls game offers. The game is what you the player make out of it.
I've literally thrown out the old oblivion systems and made my own custom tailored RPG that suits me. No game can do that
- Wrong there are other devs who also allow great moddability of their games.
- The Elder Scrolls games arent sandboxes. If they were sandboxes they would be an embarrassment on the genre with how poor the environment interaction is. TES are however open world games.
- Not really, though Skyrim looks to be a huge step towards this. But I dont think what we have seen so far is really enough. It will most likely be like the jobs in Fable.
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